Chapter Two.

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"Okay. He was so hot." Tori grinned. We all laughed and headed inside the hotel towards the main reception. We walked to the front desk where suprisingly, there was nobody waiting. There was two women sat behind their desks, both on the computer. One was on the phone so we decided to go to the other.

"Hello, welcome to Miami Magnet Hotel, how can I help you?" She smiled.

"We're here to check in." Tori said, taking charge. See, I may appear mature but I'm super unorganised and irresponsible. Where as, Tori is the complete opposite. Amy is just. Amy.

"Okay, that's great. What name is that under?" Asked the woman behind the desk.

Tori looked at us before looking back at the woman. "Victoria Wilson." The woman nodded and tapped something away on the computer. Tori's cheeks began to turn red and Amy and myself couldn't help but chuckle. She honestly hates her name. We don't know why but she despises it and demands to be called Tori instead.

"Ah, yes. The triple suite?" The woman asked. Tori nodded and the woman smiled. "Great. You're on floor 11 and your in room 581." She smiles again, handing us three room cards. We thank her before dragging our suitcases along the floor towards the elevator. I press the button and look up. The hotel is awesome. When you stand in the middle of the first floor (like we are now), if you look straight up you can see every floor. It looked incredible and it was built like a huge square.

The elevator doors pinged open and we dragged our bags in. We squashed our selves up and pressed the 11 button. The elevator began moving up but we stopped on the 6th floor where the doors opened to an asian family. The eldest man looked at us all confused. "Too full." I shrugged before closing the door on them.

We laughed and the elevator continued moving upwards. "So you looking forward to Magcon, Amy?" Tori asked.

Amy looked at Tori with a disgusted and hurtful look on her face. I raised my eyebrows. "Is that a trick question, Victoria?" I couldn't physically prevent myself from laughing. Tori's left eye began to twitch and her face turned purple.

They couldn't slap each other because I was in the middle and they knew that if they started something, I'd be the one finishing it. They just continued death staring one another whilst the soft elevator music played faintly in the background. The doors finally opened on floor 11 and we all fought our way out of the tiny compact-elevator.

Tori looked at the sign. "575-598 is that way." She pointed right and we began walking down the corridor towards our hotel room. Tori walked ahead of us and I strolled behind. My phone began pinging and I pulled it out of my pocket. I looked at the caller ID and realised that it was Rochelle, a friend from school. I smiled and answered the phone.


"Charlotte! Hey!"

"Hey Rochelle, whats up?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering if you got to Miami alright."

"Oh yeah. We got here fine! What about you?"

"Great! Well visiting Hawaii to see my family used to be fun but now I'm missing Magcon and I'm gutted. I wish I could have gone with you."

"Please with your short temper you would not last three whole hours in the car with Amy." I laughed. Rochelle laughed too.

"Well I best be going, my cousins are arriving!"

"Yeah me too, I've got to try and find my room now. I can't see Amy or Tori." I looked around the corridor and they was gone. I just continued walking in the same direction as I was walking in before and read the hotel room numbers as a guide.

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