Chapter Seventeen.

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The heat hit me as I walked in. "Dayummm." I muttered. "Y'all need to open in window up in 'hur." I frowned. Tori laughed and got off the bed and walked over to the window. I slipped my sweatpants off and folded them up and placed them on my bed. I placed my bags down beside my sweatpants and that down on the floor. "Where's 'da food?" I asked.

"Why are you that?" Mahogany laughed, pointing at me as she bounced along and sat down beside me.

I shrugged. "Bish I'm hungry." I rubbed my stomach. A bag of Swedish fish hit my face and I literally felt like I was in heaven. I grinned at it and I swear I heard a harp playing, how heavenly.

"Stop the accent." Tori laughed as she grabbed a pillow and laid down. I crossed my legs and shrugged as I struggled to open the packet. I eventually forced open the packet but the fishes exploded all over the room and I screamed. "Nice going dip shit." Tori muttered.

I jumped up and collected all of the fishes from the floor and placed every single one of them in my mouth. My mouth was full and I turned around as the door opened. My eyes widened as all the boys entered. They greeted Mahogany and Tori whilst I stayed frozen like a deer in the headlights. They all slowly turn their heads over to me. "Dafuq?" Matt muttered, making a double chin.

"Hi." I said with my mouth full. I walked back over to them and began chewing the fishes. They laughed and shook their heads before sitting down and scattering the room. I pouted and looked around. "Thought it was a girls night?" Tori asked.

"What?" Mahogany said, bringing her ear up towards Tori's face so she could hear her better.

I swallowed the sweets and watched the boys whilst listening to Tori and Mahogany's conversation. "I thought it was just going to be me, you and Charlotte?" She said.

She pulled away and looked at Tori. She shrugged. "I didn't invite them, they just showed up." She laughed and rubbed her arms. She glanced over at me and I had a confused look on my face. I looked back over at the boys and saw that they all had basketball shorts on with the exception of Aaron, Hayes and JJ who were wearing sweatpants. Oh yeah, the majority of them were shirtless too.

{AN: Jack Johnson will now be known as JJ or Johnson. Jack Gilinsky will be known as Jack. Orrrr if you have any other suggestions, comment :) xoxo}

"Do you guys not have security outside your rooms?" I frowned and looked at them.

Cameron's head shot in my direction. "Yeah." He nods and answers quickly before turning back around and talking to Aaron.


"They're not very good at their job." I laughed and so did a few others. I glanced over to the window where Jack, Matt and Nash were stood at. They were pointing to something outside.

"Yeah." Nash nodded. "Let's just go." He shrugged and looked between Jack and Matt. Jack and Matt looked at each other and shrugged and nodded in agreement. They talked slightly quieter before turning around. "There's a basketball court on the back. Do you guys want a game?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at everyone.

"I'm in." Hayes smiles and stands up from his seat. Nash and Matt glanced over at Hayes whilst Jack pulled out his phone and began typing away.

"No one asked you." Nash teased his younger brother. Hayes stuck his tongue out at Nash. Cameron and Aaron went and stood by Matt. The boys chuckled at Nash's response.

"Sorry Trash." He smirked. Nash glared at him and Hayes sat back down. JJ chuckled and patted Hayes's back. Nash looked around the rest of the boys and they all nodded. Nash you salty mofo.

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