Chapter Eight.

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"Did you get the food?" I asked with little hope. Matt and Carter both gave me evil eyes before sitting down slowly on the beds.

"Guess what's trending on Twitter." Jack Johnson laughed as he walked through the room door and in. He was taken back when he saw myself and Tori but continued his way into the room and sat down next to Taylor on the floor.

"What?" Carter asked and scratched the back of his head. I looked around the room and the boys began to appear out of place. I furrowed my eyebrows and continued listening.

"Taylor and this girl named Charlotte are apparently dating now." Jack laughed as he looked at his phone screen. He stopped laughing for a split second and looked directly at me. "Oh my god it's you." He points.

I nod my head slowly and Carter looks at the image on Jack's phone. Carter began to get slightly irate the longer he looked at the picture. God knows why. He stood up and exited the room, slamming the door slightly. I roll my eyes and look around the room. "Did I say something wrong?" Jack asked, confounded.

Taylor slaps him around the back of the head and everybody shakes their heads at him. "I guess we should be going, then." I said, standing up from the chair. Tori stood up behind me and smiled. The boys all stood up and gave us both a hug each.

We said goodbye to everyone and Shawn walked us over to the door. "See you tomorrow?" He said, the sentence appearing more like a question.

I nodded. "Magcon. Yay." I muttered sarcastically.Shawn laughed and opened the door. We walked outside. "See you later." We both said to Shawn he said goodbye and we made our way over to the elevator.

"Chaylor." Tori mumbled to herself before laughing. I punched her on the arm and gave her evil eyes. We got into the elevator and I pressed the floor 11 button. The doors closed and we moved down one floor before they opened again. We walked out of the elevator and began walking through the corridors to get to our room.

"I still can't believe we left the place without the pizza!" I sighed. Tori laughed and shook her head. "I might order room service when we get in..." I wondered out loud.

"I can't believe we haven't seen Amy all night, or the majority of the day." Tori shrugged as we turned a corner and we stood outside our room. I looked around the corridors.

"Where the hell is she?" I asked. Tori shook her head and we entered the room. "She's not got a room key so she hasn't been able to enter the room for like the past 10 hours."

"She's probably just trying to find the boys' room." Tori joked and laid down on her bed. I turned the TV on and handed the remote to Tori. She began looking through the guide whilst I went I grabbed some sweatpants and put them on. I went into the bathroom and began taking off my makeup. I had only managed to get my lipstick off before there was a knock on the door. "Door." Tori called.

I rolled my eyes and walked out into the main part of the hotel room. "I thought I was the lazy one?" I joked. Tori shushed me and pointed to the TV. As per usual, she was watching desperate housewives. I shook my head and walked over to the door. I swung it open and saw a mob of girls stood around the door. "Erm... Hi?"

All of the girls began talking at once and I couldn't understand what any of them was saying. I turned around and motioned for Tori to come over. She frowned and walked over. "Can we help you?" I asked.

"Is it true? Is Chayler real?" A young girl, probably around 13 asked me in hope. I frowned and shook my head. The girls all started talking amongst themselves.

A girl younger than me turned around and said "Stop denying it, we know it's all true. We all saw the pictures." She spoke in a somewhat threatening manner. She stepped forward and I shoved her backwards and told her to get out of my face. In the corner of my eye, I could see a camera flash and I knew that it would be on social media by later tonight.

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