Chapter Eleven.

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I woke up and saw a bright light gleaming in my face. I allowed my eyes to adjust to the light before sitting up. I realised I had left the TV on so I turned it off and stood up. I stretched before walking into the kitchen. I opened the fridge. I screamed at the top of my lungs. I opened all the compartments of the fridge before screaming again. "Food?" I fake sobbed and rubbed my stomach.

I groaned and went over to my suitcase. I pulled out some denim shorts and a white strap top. I pulled my white converse out too. I got changed in the bathroom and walked out. I tied my hair up in a messy high ponytail before grabbing some money and leaving the house. I locked the door and walked down the path.

"Hey!" Someone yelled. I turned my head and saw Tenille gardening. Harper was sat playing in her small paddling pool beside her. I smiled and walked over to her fence. I leaned against the fence and greeted her. "Going somewhere?"

"Yeah, I'm on my way to the shops. Do you need anything?" I asked politely. She smiled and shook her head. She stood up and walked over.

"We could go with you if you'd like." She smiled and looked over at Harper. I nodded and Tenille indicated that she'd be a second. She picked Harper up and went inside. She came back out a few minutes later. Harper was now wearing pants. She walked out of her garden and joined me on the sidewalk. We began walking and talking.

"So you and Ben, huh?" I nudged her. She looked at me and her cheeks reddened she shook her head and looked at Harper. "I'm glad he's with someone down to earth, the last person he was with was just a little bitch." I whispered the last bit so Harper couldn't hear me. I laughed and shook my head, Tenille joined in too. We crossed the roads and the shops were in sight.

"So what do you need?" Tenille questioned, changing subject.

"Food." I groaned. "Ben has no food in the fridge." I groaned again and rubbed my stomach. Tenille shook her head.

"Your cousin is a freak." She laughed. I nodded in agreement.

"Sea." Harper mumbled pointing to the sea as we stood outside the shops. Tenille shook her head and said that she weren't going on the beach today. Harper pouted and tried getting out of Tenille's arms. I laughed.

"You could get the food and I'll take Harper on the beach." I offered. Tenille smiled and placed Harper down. I held her hand and handed Tenille the money. "Junk food please."

She laughed. "Whatever." She mumbled as she entered the store. I walked over to the stairs and helped Harper down the stairs. She tugged her hand away from mine and she walked away slowly. Her feet sunk down in the sand and she laughed. I laughed too. She's so adorable.

Out of nowhere, I hear a bunch of screams. I turned around and saw the reason why. All of the boys were walking down the path and heading towards my direction. They weren't looking at me but they were heading towards the shops. I turned my back on them and walked over to Harper.

She was sat down and playing with the sand. She picked a small handful of sand up and raised her hand to her mouth. "No, no, no!" I said, knocking the sand out of her hand. She giggled and I couldn't help but aw. I rolled her trousers up and we walked over to the sea. I waited for the tide to come in when she started jumping in the small bit of water.

I laughed and she fell and landed on her bottom. I raised her up and she started laughing again. This is literally the happiest toddler I have ever seen. A shadow came over me and I turned around slowly. "She loves the beach, doesn't she Te-" I stopped mid-sentence and rolled my eyes.

Carter, Taylor, Cameron, Nash, Aaron and Jack G were all looking at me. I turned back around and lifted Harper up. I placed her on my hip and turned around so I was facing the boys again. "Hi." I said. The boys all stared at me with unreadable expressions. "Okay.." I trailed off and started walking away from them.

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