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Two days had passed since Luke told Ashton that he couldn't stop thinking about him and the small was beyond happy. It was 2 am and he was on his bed, thinking about Luke as usual. They didn't kiss since the other day because Nia was really clingy but she was leaving tomorrow so Ashton could wait. He waited 7 months for this to happen, a few more hours would be easy.

But Luke couldn't.

Nope, no way, the boy was wriggling in his bed with his girlfriend on his side. Hopefully, she had her periods so she wasn't claiming for sex, either way, Luke wouldn't be able to have sex with her even if he wanted to, his body wasn't... cooperative.

Luke sighed and he sat up in his bed quietly trying not to wake up Nia. He didn't bother to put pants on, he just stood and went to the door softly. Before leaving he grabbed the pass to the boys' rooms and made his way to the hallway.

Everything was so dark and quiet so Luke just walked softly to the end of the hallway where Ashton's room was. He unlocked the door and sighed softly as he entered discreetly, the moon was lighting up the room so Luke made easily his way to the bed. His heart was bouncing against his chest because he didn't know how Ashton would react, maybe the small boy would reject him.

Luke crawled on the bed and he slipped under the covers. He smirked when he heard Ashton's snores, it was so cute and Luke was already fond of it. The blonde faced Ashton for a long minute, watching him sleeps quietly, but afterwards, he began to move and he awkwardly wrapped his arms into Ashton's back, he pulled the small boy closer and their noses were almost brushing.

Luke couldn't help but smile, it was 2 am and the guy was smiling like a fool in Ashton's bedroom whereas his girlfriend was next door. Damn. What was wrong with him?

« Lukey? » Ashton said with a groggy sleepy voice. « Why are you here? » He moaned and pressed his nose against Luke's one. Their lips were half an inch away.

« I wanted to cuddle with you. » He whispered. « But I can go if you want me to. »

« No. » Ashton winced, eyes closed and still half asleep. « Never leave Lukey. »

Luke smiled and he pressed a kiss on Ashton's lips, it was soft and Ashton maybe moaned when Luke bitten his bottom lip roughly. The small boy smiled and he nuzzled himself against Luke's chest, pressed his arms in his shoulders and dug his fingers into his curls to play with it. Ashton sighed in relief when the blonde pressed another kiss on his temple luging his lips, and then Luke tightened his arms around his waist before whispering a 'sweet night'.

Luke didn't really sleep, he spent the entire night thinking about the whole situation, he thought about Ashton being in love with him for 7 months and how dumb he was for not noticing anything. He felt also really bad because it must have been so hard for Ashton to keep his feelings to himself.

He also thought about his feelings towards Ashton, he really liked him a lot. He liked being in his arms and he always had but now that they could kiss each other it was different and Luke loved that. He also loved the weird sensation in his stomach when Ashton was blushing because of him.

But Luke wasn't gay, no he wasn't. Maybe it was just Ashton?

And then he thought about Nia, yeah he had to deal with this problem too.

By 8 am Luke started to move because he had muscular cramps and his arms were numb. Ashton was still asleep which wasn't surprising because the cutie boy was a sleeper, but he snubs his little nose when he feels Luke moving against him. He moaned for a second and he opened lazily his eyes.

« Hi. » Ashton whispered with a grin.

« How did you sleep? » Luke smiled and Ashton just hummed in response with a raised eyebrow to ask the question back. « I didn't sleep much. »

«Why? » Ashton rubbed Luke's cheek with his thumb.

« I was thinking. »

« 'bout what? » Ashton winced.

« I'm gonna break up with Nia. » Luke said before kissing Ashton's nose.

// This one's not really good but anywayyy //

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