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« No. » He huffed. « No, I love him, Cal. »

« But that's great mate! » Calum patted his shoulder. « Why do you look like a lost puppy? »

« I don't know. » Luke winced. « I'm scared. »

« Scared of? » Calum raised an eyebrow. « C'mon Lucas the guy told you that he's in love with you. »

« Yes but what if he changed mind? » Luke whispered. « I don't know how to be in a relationship with a guy I-I don't know how it works. »

Luke sighed, all of this was surreal, he didn't know how to be with Ashton, he didn't know how to act outside, and what people would say about them? What his family would say? Well Ben was gay and everyone was fine with that so maybe everything would be just fine, maybe Luke was just freacking out because it was the first time confessing to himself that he was in love with Ashton?

« Relax Lukey there's nothing different than with a girl. » Calum smirked. « Part from... yeah, you know what I mean. » He giggled and Luke blushed. « Oh, oh! So you really know what I mean. » He nudged Luke who was blushing more.

« Stop it. » The blonde stuttered shyly.

« Tell me more about it. » Calum asked. « How was it? Does it hurt? » He winced.

« I-I don't know we didn't... we didn't do anything like that. » He frowned awkwardly. « We just... yeah, whatever. » Luke blushed.

Calum laughed and he suggested to go downstairs before the two starts to wonder what's wrong. So that's what they did, they headed downstairs and went straight to the living-room, Ashton and Michael were already sat there, drinking and giggling.

« Hey, you're here! » Michael hugged Luke quickly. « How are you, bro? Aw I've missed you. » He said thighten ing his grip arround Luke.

« Oh trust me, Mike, Luke has been well treated. » Calum smirked and Luke blushed harshly.

Ashton cleared his throat, a little smile on his face. He quickly looked at his blonde guy and his heart fluttered. The tall Hemmings was all shy and his cheeks were pink-ish and he looked really uncomfortable.

« Hey, why don't we go out right now? » Ashton asked. « We can go to the arcade or something. »

Luke smiled when he heard that Ashton wanted to got to the arcade. Luke loved this place and it's been a while since he last went. All the boys nodded and ten minutes later they arrived at the arcade. The blonde was all excited and he couldn't hold himself.

Michael grabbed Ashton's arm and he dragged him to an old Pac-Man game. Michael started to play and Ashton did as well, they both started to play and soon Michael started to assault Ashton with questions.

« So? » He smirked. « How you guys are doing? » He said eyes glued on the screen.

«Great... great we're doing great. » Ashton smiled. « We're getting closer day after day and I've never loved someone as much as I love him, Mike, I swear.» The boy couldn't stop smiling.

« Aww Ashton you're so cheesy I'm about throw up. » Michael said making gag sounds.

« Eh, you're the one who asked. » Ashton pouted, while Michael laughed.

« Did you guys... you know? » Michale smiled. « Because back in your living-room Calum said-»

« Yeah, I know what that motherfucker said. » Ashton giggled. « He said that to make Luke uncomfortable. » The small boy sighed as Mike raised an eyebrow. « And no we haven't made the thing... »

«Oh? »

« You know I've never done that with a guy before and I don't want to ruin things. » Ashton said. « So yeah, plus I'm not sure he's ready for this. » The small boy smiled.

Ashton's mind was fuming, he did think about having sex with Luke maybe once or twice (or a hundred) but they were both inexperienced about gay sex. Also, Ashton had sex twice in his entire life whereas Luke was in a long relationship so yeah... That was complicated.

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