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The tour was officially over, the boys were all kind of sad, but they were also very tired so it was a relief to have weeks to do whatever the hell they want to do. So basically they were all in Calum's hotel room talking about stuff they were going to go back home.

« You know I just can't wait to see my sister I miss her so much I even bought her a thing in every city. » Calum claimed that he was the best brother ever.

« That's really so cheesy of you Cal. » Luke mocked him.

« Shut the fuck up, at least my sister loves me! Not sure if you can say the same! »

« My siblings love me! Ben is even picking me at the airport tomorrow. » He smiled.

« You're leaving tomorrow? » Ashton asked shyly.

« No Ash, my flight is tonight... » He frowned. « I told you last night. »

« No, you didn't. » Ashton locked his phone. « I thought you were coming home in LA with me for a few days. » Ashton had a sad pout on his face.

« I-I'm sorry Ash I-I thought I told you, hm... I-I. » Luke stuttered.

« I still can come with you Ash if you want me too? » Michael proposed with a smile.

« No Mikey thank you but go home, you're mum's dying to see you. »

Ashton patted Michael's shoulder and he rested his head against the bedhead. Michael needed to go home near his parents, he was the only child and Karen and Daryl was very protective so they wanted their child safe at home during a week to make sure he was okay.

Ashton was mad at Luke but he drove the boy to the airport anyway. He was sure that Luke didn't tell him he would have definitely remembered something as important, but anyway it wasn't the time to fight with the blonde.

« When will you be back in LA? » Ashton asked as they parked in the parking lot.

« Don't know, a month maybe. » Luke sighed. « I missed my family I just want to spend time with them. » He scratched his neck. « And I'm sure Petunia misses me. » He laughed a little but Ashton didn't.

They both entered the airport with sad faces, they waited together because Ashton didn't want to leave before Luke was on the plane. Luke was sad and mad at himself because he totally forgot to tell Ashton that he was going home so quickly, but maybe it wasn't his fault?

Nope, it definitely was.

« I think it's boarding time. » Luke said grabbing his luggage.

Ashton hummed and he followed Luke where he needed to be. They stopped a few meters away from the boarding doors and Luke sighed. He faced the small boy who was holding back his tears, Ashton knew that he was going to see Luke again but the fact that he had to leave so fast was disrupting the wavy-haired boy.

« Hey don't cry, babe. » Luke said catching a tear on Ashton's face with his thumb.

« I'm not crying. » Ashton huffed shyly.

« Yes, you are. » Luke pointing his thumb, showing that his digit was wet.

« My eyes are sweating, that's all. »

Luke whispered a « sure » before he pulled Ashton into a hug. The blonde wrapped his arms around Ashton's shoulders as Ashton's one were around his waist resting his head on the tall boy's chest. Luke felt so bad, he didn't wanted to leave Ashton here, he wanted to stay with him but he everything with his family was already planned.

« I can change my flight. » Luke said pressing a kiss on Ashton's hair. « So I can stay with you here for a few days and then I'll leave. » He asked softly.

« No, no Lukey don't. » Ashton tightened his arms around Luke. « Liz would be so mad at me. » He giggled through the tears. « I'll be fine, it's just that I'm going to miss you so much. »

« Me too. » Luke sighed. « I'll be back soon yeah? I'm sure you're gonna be so busy that you're not even gonna miss me. » He giggled.

Ashton giggled too and then he pulled away from the hug. He raised on his toes and pressed a kiss on Luke's soft lips.

« Have a safe flight back home. » Ashton said and Luke kissed him back.

// ChAnnnnngeee YouRRR FLigHHHHHt sOOO YoUUUU  sTAyyy WiTTTTh mmEEEE //

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