14_Tamer's Kiss and the Betrayal of the Tori Village

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Hey guys! Here's the next chapter of the Loney Wolf and if you are reading my other two stories (one is finished though) I will try and update it more I'm already working on the next chapter for the Sequel so I think you guys won't have to wait that long! 

Disclaimer - I don't own Naruto or anything that Masashi Kishimoto made! I only own what's MINE and BabbiiPandaa owns what is HERS!! Anyways, enjoy chapter fourteen! 

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Gaara smiled at me, “Blindfold,” He says as he shows me the silk colored blindfold in his hand. “No flipping way!” I shouted. His face became pleading as he did the puppy face, “Please, Raion, I want it to be a surprise,” He says. “Where in the hell did you learn to do that Puppy face the only person-,” “Toshi,” I said grumbly while Gaara said in a cheerful voice. I shook my head and blindfolded myself, “This better be good,” I grumbled. Gaara took a hold of my hand and began to lead me to some place.

Once stopping I felt the blindfold slipping off; I gasp in shock. In front of me there was a field of flowers of different colors and spices; there was deers walking around, bunnies hopping everywhere I see and a river flowing down. “Do you like it?” Gaara asked going back to his character. “Like it? No,” I shook my head. I notice Gaara’s shoulders slump a bit, “I LOVE IT!! LIKE MCDONALD’S SOLGAN!! I’M LOVIN’ IT!!” I shouted. Gaara’s face lit up with a small smile playing on his lips, “Wait I thought Suna was a desert village?” I asked. Gaara nodded, “It is, but with Ichibi’s powers I can do this,” Gaara said.

I smiled at him and started to roll around on the ground,

“The flower has some petals, the flower has some petals. 
The petals call the birds and bees, the flower has some petals;
the flower has some leaves, the flower has some leaves. 
The leaves will catch the rain and sun, the flower has some leaves.
The flower has a stem, the flower has a stem. 
The stem will make it stand up tall, the flower has a stem.
The flower has some roots, the flower has some roots. 
The roots will carry food and drink, the flower has some roots.”
  I sang the song that Okami made up when she was bored in class. I remembered when she got into trouble because she disturbed the class; only to have her suspended when she sang louder.

I smiled at that memory; I jumped slightly when two strong arms wrapped around my waist, “What are you smiling about?” Gaara asked. I look back at him with a smile on my face, “Okami-nii-san; were we come from our school is different from ninja school, so one time Okami got so bored she sang that song; the teacher got mad at her but she sang louder and that got her suspended,” I smiled.  Gaara chuckled and turned me around, “She’s quiet the character,” He mumbled.

I nodded, “Yep~! That’s Okami-nii-san for you, she’s the protector of the weak and defenseless,” I said. He seemed to be in deep thought but suddenly his lips smashed into mine; my heart pounded loudly in my chest as my arms automatically wrapped around his neck.


“So, Wolfie-chan, what are you doing here?” Auntie asked. I sigh heavily, “Mission,” I mumbled lowly. Auntie smiled at me and jumped on my back; “Ride horsey!” She shouted. I sweat drop including my teammates and Ibiki; “Mom you are 32 years old and you act as if your 7! NOT EVEN ME I ACT CHILDISH!!” Daiki shouted at her mother. Naruto chuckled, “Yeah but you are Kage making you be a grown up,” Naruto said. I shook my head at all of them, “HEY ARE YOU FORGETTING OUR MATCH?!” I sighed heavily when Kiyoshi shouted at me. Daiki and Auntie both sigh heavily, “Kiyoshi-san,” Auntie said and Kiyoshi look at her. “Are you forgetting that she’s my niece?” She asked him.

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