16_Not so Great

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Hey guys! Chapter sixteen is here and ready to go! Anyways, I need to clean my laptop's keyboard -_- I accidently spilled salt on it and now my keys gets stuck while I tried to type this chapter! Argh!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto -- who in which is owned by Masashi Kishimoto! I only own my characters and BabbiiPandaa owns hers. 

Enjoy! Rate! Vote! Comment! 

(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)(^_^)/ kon'nichiwa \(^_^)


I groan as I sat up from the bed; ‘Bed?’ I thought to myself causing my eyes to snap open. I saw Naruto and Toshi grinning at me like idiots, “Okami-chan!” they both shouted. I smiled slightly at them, “Toshi, Naruto,” I whispered. They released me and smiled brightly at me; “How long was I out?” I asked them. “About three weeks,” Naruto answered with a grunt. “DO YOU HAVE ANY CLUE HOW MUCHED YOU MISSED?!” Naruto shouted at me. I blinked at me; “A lot?”

“YES, YOU MISSED A LOT—but you woke up and that’s the good part,” he said with a grin. He then bolted out the door, “WAIT TILL KAKASHI-SENSEI HEARS ABOUT THIS!!” we heard him shout. Toshi laughed while I only chuckled. I look at Toshi who was looking at me with love filled eyes, “Toshi,” I whispered. He brought me into a hug and held me tightly against him, “You promised you will never do this,” He whispered. “Gomen, Toshi-kun,” I mumbled against his chest. He sighed and let me go, “At long as you are safe,” He smiled. Soon the door burst open and there stood team 7, 8, 9, and 10 along with Toshi’s team.

“OKAMI-CHAN!!” arms wrapped around my neck as brown hair blocked my view. “I’m so happy you are okay,” he said while burying his head against my stomach. Kakashi, Sasuke and Naruto glared at the boy in my arms, “Maro, come on, let Okami-chan go,” Asa sighed as he pulled Maro away. “NO I WANT MY OKAMI-CHAN!” he shouted. ‘He’s Okami-chan?’ I thought.


It’s been past three weeks and Okami still hasn’t woken up. I sighed for the umpteen times as I did my paper work, ‘Okami please wake up soon,’ I thought. Once finished, I walked out and notice Kotetsu and Izumo smiling to each other; “What’s got you two so happy about?” I asked them. “Okami woke up today!” Kotetsu shouted. I took everything I got not to jump out for joy, ‘Okami-chan,’ I thought happily. “I think we should go see her at the hospital,” Izumo said causing both I and Kotetsu to nod our heads in agreement.

We three walked towards the hospital and was greeted by Kakashi’s brat, “Hello, Kotetsu-san, Izumo-san and Ibiki-san,” She said. “Hello, Sakura-chan, can we go see Okami?” Izumo said. She nodded with a smile, “Hai, hai, you may, she’s woken up!” She said happily. Once finding out her room was we continued to our destination. “LOOK OKAMI-CHAN CAN BEAT INO DOWN IN LESS OF TWO DAMN MINUTES!!” we all heard someone shout. I notice all the Gennins and their Senseis where in here along with the Key Ninjas. I notice all of them sweat drop, but Inoichi’s kid had an irk mark above her head, “NO WAY! INO CAN BEAT OKAMI LESS IN TWO MINUTES!!”

I shook my head and entered the room along with Kotetsu and Izumo, “What’s going on?” Kotetsu asked. Everyone turned to face us and Okami smiled at us, “We are betting to see who wins, Maro or Nori,” Tsume’s brat said. “And what is this bet?” Izumo asked. “What a drag,” Shikaku’s kid sighed. “Maro says that Okami will beat Ino less in two minutes,” Kakashi sighs. ‘Well, duh,’ I thought. “But I say that Ino will win Okami less in two minutes,” the blue haired guy said. “Yeah and I will win!” Inoichi’s kid said. “Who’s betting on whom?” I asked. “Well, that’s the problem only two people bet against Maro,” The Key Sensei sighed. I looked over towards Okami; she was staring at the bed with intense stare, “Okami,” I called. Everyone stopped talking while Okami’s head snapped towards my direction; “Are you alright?” I asked. She nods sternly and looks at everyone, “I bet against Maro,” She said causing us to all gasp in different surprise.

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