•Quinx Imagines 1•

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-When their partner is sick

Walking past your room, Haise heard the constant sound of you sniffling and coughing.

He sighed and gently knocked on your door, "(Y/N)?"

You cleared your sore throat before speaking up, "You can come in."

He quietly pushed the door open and looked at your curled up form underneath your blankets. He gave a sad smile and walked towards you, leaning in to move the blanket from your face and kiss your forehead.

"Haise, you're gonna get sick," you said, blocking your face with a pillow.

He ruffled your hair and walked away to go make you a bowl of soup. Before he opened the door, he turned around and told you a joke to lighten your mood.

"This years flu is going viral, be careful, (Y/N)."

And with that he left the room, leaving you with a smile on your face. "Someone please remind me why I'm dating that beautiful man we call Haise."

When your boyfriend found out you caught a cold, he wouldn't leave your room unless it was to make you more soup or to get your medicine.

"Shira, I can get up to use the bathroom by myself. I'm sick, not injured," you said swatting his shaky hands away from your arms.

He looked at you with a concerning look and helped you up out the bed anyway. "Yeah, but what if you did get injured?"

You rolled your eyes, moving his hands away once more and kissed his cheek, "I love you, but you need to move over."

He sighed and followed you out the room to stand outside of the bathroom door, despite your protests.

Whenever you or Mutsuki were feeling under the weather, you both vowed to make sure you both were at your best the next day.

Except for today.

The two of you managed to get sick. It started out as you being sick first, but Mutsuki coming in your room to cuddle and watch movies made matters worse.

Now, you two were laying in your bed cuddling up next to each other watching The Incredibles. It's ritual for you two to watch Disney movies every Friday night.

"Tooru, can you pass me the tissues?" you said after a sneeze. He turned around and reached on your bedside table to grab the almost empty box of tissues.

You thanked him with a kiss on the nose, causing him to smile at you with a small tint of pink going across his cheeks. "N-No problem," he stuttered out.

And for the rest of the night, the two of you spend your hours talking, cuddling, watching movies, and eventually sleeping.

Anytime you were sick, she'd move all her games to your room and sleep in there with you until you felt better.

She would always argue with the people online from her headset you and Haise got her for Christmas to try and make you at least let out a chuckle.

"Saiko, I think that's enough now, I think they get it," you laughed, coughing short after. You heard her rip off her headset and throw it on the ground.

"They- They cheated!" she yelled out in pure anger. Saiko picked up her headset again and started throwing profanities at the people online. This made you laugh a little harder than what you were supposed to and ended up in a coughing fit.

She finished cursing out everyone on the server and snatched her headset off to throw it on the ground once again. She turned around and saw that you were completely red and she jumped up to grab the water bottle beside her.

"Here! Drink!" she urged you. You took a gulp of the liquid and set it back down on the floor. "Next time, just cut the game off," you told her in a dry voice. She smiled and hugged you, trying to make you feel better.

"You're what?"

Ah, that time of the year again. The time of the year where germs would float in the air and latch onto people.

"I'm sick," you repeated. He sighed with a face palm, shaking his head. "This is why Haise tells us not to train outside when it's cold."

You pouted and fell back onto your bed, limbs spread and eyes up to the ceiling. "Kuki~ can you get the medicine please?" you asked him in a voice higher than your normal one.

He rolled his eyes and went over to your dresser to grab the orange medicine bottle, along with the NyQuil. He soon got back to your side and handed you the bottle, expecting you to pour it yourself.

When you just looked at him, not taking it the bottle, he let out a quiet growl and unscrewed the cap, pouring some in the medicine cup that comes with it. "Sit up (so you don't choke and die.)"

You followed his orders and allowed him to pour the nasty medicine into your mouth. When he finished, he put the bottle back together and stood there.

"Come lay down," you said patting the space next to you. He sighed and done so anyways, leaving some space between you two. "Closer."

When he didn't move, you roughly grabbed his arm and laid him down on the bed, getting on top of him to snuggle up to his body. "Better."


This is my first published book, so feedback would be veryy appreciated, and if you want, please put down some requests for a character ❤

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