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Genacis .
(unedited yikes)

Here I was hot and bothered my mind and heart racing and I know he ain't even mean it like that. He was just jealous and although his lips felt perfect against mine he just wanted to keep Arrius away from me— that was beyond obvious he would get so pissed off if I mentioned the slightest things with him. But not like homeboy Onyx wanted me anyway- so I smacked him. Sure I've been playing it off that I don't like him but not THAT good. And here he goes kissing me.

My heart was through my chest and it felt as if my lungs couldn't catch up to my mind because my breathing still didn't slow down, Onyx sat in the passenger seat holding his chest he slammed the door shut making the car rattle a bit and I gulped.

"Fuck you smack me for" he growled

"Fuck you kiss me for- you know I wasn't here for you" I spat back with venom in my voice, He was pissing me off- he couldn't just waltz in and kiss me on his timing! Make me all bothered and got me looking like I hop around from basketball player to player.

"I don't give a fuck who you was here for if I see you, it becomes my business and I made it my business to let them niggas know you taken care of" he said with a straight face as if what he said makes sense in our predicament. Maybe if he wasn't an prick I would've blushed a lot because it made my stomach do a backflip but my brain and muscles just wanted revenge-

When my fist connected with his jaw he hit his head against the window and his grip on my arm as he had caught my hand when it was trying to pull back after punching him, his jaw was clenched and he just kind of looked at me all pissed off before closing his eyes and muttering something to himself.

"Stop fucking hitting me fore I fuck your little ass up" he finally boomed after a moment of silence which must've been loud because the commotion outside the little that was going on which seemed to be an argument between Jermain and Arrius hushed up and eyes looked over into the car.

"You done? Or you feeing ballsy still?" He groaned as he let go of my hand pushing it towards my body harshly a small pout came on my lips as I huffed slightly I didn't think it was big enough to notice but soon a long exhale came from beside me.

"Yo ass mad?" He said in disbelief I shrugged annoyed and wanting him to leave I looked out the window,
"I'm talking to you- Genacis this ain't no joke" just a few moments ago I was blushing at the new nickname he called me now he was back to full government and shit.

"So yo ass really mad I kissed you?" He finally said and I ignored his punk ass because, YES! Yes the fuck I am mad at that. He exhaled and opened the door- "childish ass kids yo- can't never use your fucking words" my face scrunched up and I threw an pack of gum at him because his ass isn't blaming this on me.
He furrowed his eyebrows still looking back at me before his eyes trailed passed me, I didn't realize I had his full attention until I lost it.

"Mane say one more thing bout my brother and I swear I'll fuck you up" Jermain boomed from a few spots away in the parking lot.

"Ain't nobody scared of you and punk ass Onyx, two bitch ass little boys raised by bitch ass mommas and absent ass fathers" he spat as if he knew their life story but he must've more than me because I couldn't have made that conclusion about the two- I heard my car door slam and than got snapped out of my thoughts when Onyx disappeared from the side of my car. I was really about to stay in the car- I almost made it until Yonna ran past the car and I wasn't going to be left out so I got out and went to follow the commotion.

"Say that shit to my face"
"You a bitch ass nigga Onyx! You ain't ever gonna be shit but a son to a dope fean" Kendrell stopped holding Onyx back and it seemed like forever until Kendrell caught him again by his left arm as his fist almost hit Arrius face.

"You don't know me or where I'm from nigga I'll fuck you up and feed your organs to ya little siblings" Onyx spit back Yonna was trying to calm Jermain down and I just kind of stood there looking because where did I belong in all this-
"Ya punk ass that mad I kissed ya little crush? Nigga should've never tried it in the first place" He added as he was trying to swing with his free arm.
"What yo crazy ass good for anyway? I'd bet ya mom suck my dick for some good shit- " I was so lost on why he kept bringing up Onyx mom as if he knew her- as if everyone knew she was some terrible person but me, but the way the anger finally showed in Onyx face turned it from sexy to frightening.

Like lights turning on- bang,baaap bowwosh three hits to Arrius face and when his hit connected Onyx only got more mad— Kendrell was bleeding due to the impact of trying to hold Onyx back- Yonna was holding down Jermain and it only left me to break up the fight. I don't know who was smarter to break up- Arrius or Onyx, sure Onyx I might've known a bit better but his anger seemed deadly and I kind of enjoy living so, I picked the other or went too and when I went to help I was pushed to the ground.


Genacis almost had got Arrius and himself out of the fight without hurting one of them, but Onyx hands where lethal and his fist were flying, his anger was blocking any rational thought anything that would calm him down it pushed out- he wasn't mad, he was furious.
How dare he say that shit about his mom!
How dare he even try to get with Genacis!
How dare he say that shit in front of him!
How dare this punk ass nigga!
All through his head on a loop was just how this nigga had the audacity to try something like that, to test his character as if Onyx wouldn't do something.

When Genacis got punched he was pissed as well, Onyx canine built ass was really crazy- maybe it was anger issues is what Genacis thought, but this couldn't be the cause of everything. He was just crazy! He held his throbbing face as Arrius was still behind him now even more upset trying to get at Onyx but Genacis pushed Arrius into some random persons car and punched Onyx back in the face which confused him as he was hit from another angle, the confusion stopped him enough that Genacis pushed him down to the ground, pressing his body over his allowing himself to straddle the older male he pinned him down a bit and once Onyx- the big bad wolf was calmed it seemed as if it got a lot quieter.

Onyx although didn't clam down his vision which was slowly focusing on Genacis face and it didn't add up- he was suppose to be fighting Arrius. He heard humming noises as if someone was whispering in his ear but instead his eyes focused on Genacis humming a Cassanova song it sounded like. His eyes scrunched up and Genacis face mimicked his,

Arrius on the other hand was even more upset that he had thrown a punch for Genacis and he was sitting on top of the very person he thought that disrespected the male. He was pissed when he walked out and saw the man he was just boosting about kissing on Onyx- he was mad when he saw that they do in fact have some type of complicated something and Arrius was mad that his dumb ass believed they didn't . He was also mad that once again Onyx won.

Onyx breathing slowed down as his mind went to someplace else- he wanted to fuck Genacis. He licked his lips as he pushed his body up a bit making Genacis fall to be sitting in his lap more and he sent him a smirk only to get a huff in response.

"I don't know why you're smiling I just saved you from a case" Genacis started but Onyx was still smiling a bit- he was still intact right it seemed that through any bullshit Genacis would still be there although Genacis wasn't aware of what really was going on and Onyx was to stubborn to admit anything about himself let alone his feelings. Maybe he could open up to Genacis but than again Onyx didn't even know how to be vulnerable anymore.

"Thanks babyboy" Onyx said barely above a whisper making their foreheads touch ,his thumb went to touch the younger boys face and the younger boy jumped at his swollen cheek pain now setting in and Onyx soon got heated again.
"What the fuck happened to your face?" He exclaimed as if he was going to kill Arrius and Genacis waved it off before a warm blush came on his face- he was sitting on Onyx dick and it was certainly up, and it could've been because of him and that's all Genacis needed to know.

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