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   Someone was pounding at the door and I didn't want to get it, but Onyx was still upstairs  and Yonna and Xavyer just looked at me drunk. "What?" I asked them with wide eyes as the banging continued.

  "Your boyfriend- your door" Yonna said in a duhh tone, I looked back at the door than up the stairs.

  "Onyxxxx the door" I yelled and Xavyer let out a laugh- when he went upstairs we heard a few things move around and some bangs, But for the most part it was quiet, although when he came downstairs his eyes were bloodshot he probably was pissed and trying to compose himself, he was mumbling stuff as he came down the stairs before he got to the door and swung it open the looked up and down than back at us.

"Chill y'all can't be here" he mumbled

"Fucks wrong with you? Stop punching shit and use your words" Jermain voice cleared through which woke up half sleep Yonna.

"Don't let them in! What the hell!" Yonna yelled hugging Xavyer real close.

"Oh hell why we getting hated on?" Jermain asked as he looked through the doorway.

I saw Kendrell head behind him he seemed to be looking down- "ya not finna wanna be here" Onyx mumbled his voice seemed exhausted.

"Kendrell mother fucking ass punched a whole through the wall- I don't need another you so we are gonna come in and we finna be nice friends and listen to him rant" Jermain said pushing himself past Onyx. He only shrugged probably still mad and Kendrell just stayed outside- his eyes met mine than he shook his head.

  "On fonem I'm not going in there" Kendrell voice cracked.

  "Maaan come on" Jermain mumbled before his eyes landed on Xavyer who was wasted-to wasted to care that Kendrell was coming he just mumbled a fuck him and kept drinking.

  "If he's in there imma loose my shit ion wanna see him bro" Kendrell said from outside the door.

  "Main he ain't wanna do this right now" Onyx said rubbing his face.

  "Kendrell your boyfriend was in here crying maybe that shit deeper than you- bring your ass in here and comfort his drunk ass fore The next whole in the wall cause he got a new bitch" Jermain was trying to help he always is, but sometimes people needed space apart. Kendrell face changed and softened than angered again he let out a long sigh before coming inside the house which proved how much he did like Xavyer- of course I would be the one to tell Xavyer that tomorrow.

  He walked in and eyed the area, his eyes landed on Xavyer whose glossy eyes looked at him. "Yonna how you take our bottle and give it to him" Kendrell mumbled sitting on the couch I was sitting on.

  "And beat his ass" Jermain added sitting on the chair on the other side of me, Onyx shut the door and Jermain looked at him.

  "Fucks wrong with him?" He asked than looking at me, I smacked my lips together and looked at him- he had looked pissed- I told him I didn't want to talk about it right now.

  "What's wrong with you?" I asked he only shrugged and went into the kitchen.

  "I put you fuckers through my boot camp to become better in relationships y'all both fucking failing " Jermain whines loudly.

  "I'm not doing shit!" Kendrell exclaimed his pent up anger from sitting here exploding- he was write he wasn't, he just needed not to fuck with  Xavyer at the moment. Xavyer only took the last stop of the bottle and Kendrell ripped it from his hands- "fucking alcoholic" he mumbled putting it on the table.

  "Heeey give it back" he whined Kendrell looked over at him before rubbing his face.

  "Ain't shit in it Xavyer, and you don't need to be getting this drunk on a school night" Kendrell hands were shaking he was getting more and more fed up, he had a lot of I don't even know- I mean the whole time I've been pinning after Onyx Kendrell and Xavyer been actually friends hanging out with out me1 so their bond is something I'm not even sure of; it must be strong because Kendrell keeps coming back to Xavyer and Xavyer keeps letting him.

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