Letter to the Reader-INTRODUCTION

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Dear Grasses,

I'm back! Back from the dead [Finals], specifically. I have been drowning myself with projects and exams this last week--Actually, it started last month which is the reason why my anxiety sparked. And made me feel uninspired to do chapters on the previous story that I recently deleted.

I wanted to thank everyone who messaged me to take my time and will support me. You guys are the best and the best readers an author could have.

As promised, I will publish a story after I delete the other Johnten story. Still omegaverse and Johnten for the main pairing but the plot is somehow changed. My ideas on the previous story are adapted so it "somehow changed."

I will do my best to finish this story without thinking bad imaginings. I'm on vacation so expect this to be finished by next week. I'll be updating everyday until my vacation is finished. Please look forward!

Also, Christmas is coming so expect something from author-nim ;)

The characters' attitude, habits and status are only the product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance found in the story is pure coincidence.  

Love lots ♥

OMEGA (ALPHA)-JOHNTENWhere stories live. Discover now