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Johnny drove home and thought that Ten would be awake by now. It was already dawn and he was worried about the omega being alone. He should've just moved the meeting.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the condominium building. He parked his car and used the elevator to the 10th floor. The silver doors opened as soon as he was on the right floor. He walked out and immediately unlocked the door. He pushed it open and suddenly smelled something. The alpha run into the kitchen and saw the omega cooking. The omega turned and smiled as he saw Johnny standing at the entrance.

Ten put out so much courage to smile at Johnny. He twitched at how embarrassing it is already.

"W-Welcome home!" Ten greeted with a smile.


Johnny chuckled. Ten's heart skipped at the beat, he thought Johnny's chuckle was cute and he looked very attractive with the smirk he's wearing. Johnny soon unbuttons his first two buttons of his shirt. Ten couldn't help but look and blush.

He immediately shied away.

"What are you doing?" Johnny asked as he took a seat on a chair of the dining table.

"Uh...cooking dinner?"

"You should be resting. You know you're still in heat," Johnny said.

Ten shrugged, "I'm fine already. I can do things even if I'm an omega."

"It's not that. I'm just worried about you. You might fall unconscious again."

Ten blushed harder as Johnny told him that he was worried about him, "I-I'll rest after this, don't worry."

Ten finished cooking and plated the dish. He puts the dish on the table with the side dishes he already prepared. The omega sat across the alpha. Both of them soon picks up their chopsticks and ate the food.

"What is it?" Johnny asked.

Ten tensed, "W-What?"

Johnny looked at him, "I can feel that you're uneasy."

Ten bit his lower lip, "N-No, I'm fine."

"C'mon, Ten."

Ten's heart skipped a beat again, "I...I just want to thank you."

Johnny knitted his eyebrows, "Why?"

"...Mostly alphas who just accidentally bit an omega just leave the omega. You did different, you took responsibility even if you just bit me because of my heat."

"It was your friend's request. And I felt just sorry," Johnny uttered which made Ten upset about the fact that it was all because of Taeyong, that's why he is taking full responsibility.

"You shouldn't have listened to Tae and just convinced him that it was all a mistake. But, you still took me to keep me safe. So, I'm thankful that you are different from the other alphas. I thought all alphas chase omegas just to satisfy themselves."

Johnny softened his look, "So you thought I was one?"

Ten sighed and nodded, "You could already own everything, for goodness sake. You got the skills, the wealth, the looks, the--"

Ten, himself, stopped and looked at Johnny. Johnny was surprised when he knew Ten see him attractive. The alpha huffed and smirked at the omega.

"I didn't know I got the looks," Johnny joked.

"I-I mean...D-Doesn't anyone point out your looks?" Ten excused, hoping it'll cover him.

Johnny shrugged, "No, you're actually the first."

Ten blushed a bright pink on his cheek and across his nose bridge. He bit his lower lip and avoided his eyes from Johnny's. He fiddled his fingers under the table and was surprised when a hand cupped his chin to make him look up. A thumb flicked his lower lip and the lip escaped his teeth. Ten looked up at Johnny.

"Don't do that."

Ten's cheek heats up. Johnny removed his hand and walked away with empty plates in hand. The omega's heart beats fast and irregular. It wasn't new, his heart just beats fast whenever he see Johnny.

Ten was scolded as he insisted to wash the dishes instead of Johnny doing it. He was scolded by his mate and told him to go into his room and rest. Ten didn't fight and just obey his mate's order. Johnny could sometimes be really scary and Ten haven't seen that side of him. But instead of seeing anger, he instead felt worry. He could feel Johnny's worried about him. But he could promise that he isn't that fragile.

The omega slumped himself on his bed. His hand went to the back of his neck to scratch but he felt Johnny's bite mark. It wasn't deep like before, but it was still evident. The marks are permanent and never will be removed. It was a sign of being someone's property and Ten couldn't deny how cheesy the meaning of it. But, he's beyond happy to know that he's mated with the one he loves the most.

Little did he know, he's already smiling like a maniac.

A/N: One question, please comment below or on the line. Thank you~

If you're given a chance to tell author-nim Val to do a book 2 of just one of her stories, what will it be?

Love lots ♥

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