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In a world full of cruelty and discrimination, omegas just wanted to die just because of different reasons. Mostly, omegas are getting raped by alphas and betas nowadays. They are very vulnerable, it is their nature. They are born with unexpected heats. It is not their fault to be born like that but they wished to have more rights.

But, today, omegas are now using different medicines or cosmetics to apply on their body to, mostly, smell and look like an alpha. They take birth controls, pheromone suppressant, heat reducers and hormone medicine. It was all for their safety, that's why they take these. They only want to protect themselves. And now, other alphas help to protect omegas and they save some omegas who was getting raped.

Ten didn't even wished to be an omega, but because of the medicines, he doesn't have any problems and is not afraid to go out anymore. His scent is blocked because of the suppressant and he looks like an alpha because of the hormone medicine.

Not to mention, he is in an alpha group that protect and help omegas.

Today, Ten and Taeyong--who is also an omega disguising as an alpha, just helped knock out a male alpha as he was trying to rape a male omega. The omega thanked them and both of the omegas just smiled at him. They are walking back to their house as their shift for patrolling has ended tonight. They also need to be in a welcome party for the new leader.

They first arrived at Ten's house.

"Do you want me fetch you?" Ten asked as he tried unlocking his door with his key.

"I'm just a block away, Ten," Taeyong uttered.

"Then, I won't, dumbass."

Taeyong chuckled, "You bitch. Fetch me with your ride, yeah? See you later."

Ten walked in and Taeyong walked to his house.

The omega goes upstairs and takes his bath. He wears his black button up and pants in his room. He took up all of his medicines before going out and goes to fetch Taeyong with his car. He waited for the omega until both of them finally drove away and arrive at the venue.

Ten and Taeyong goes out of the car and walked in the elegant venue. It is their group's anniversary so they thought to make it even special. Both of the omega took their seats in a table reserved for them and other four members.

The venue's full of alphas, Ten and Taeyong could smell their strong pheromones. Ten felt nervous 'cause what if their suppressants run off? Both of them would be a meal for many alphas.

The celebration started and someone at stage introduced the old leader.

"Oh wow, your crush looks handsome tonight," Ten teased.

Taeyong blushed a little, "Shut up, doofus--He's mine."

"Good evening to all of you. I am Jung Jaehyun, now signing off from the leader rank and degrading myself on the second. I am now introducing the new leader. The one and only, Johnny Seo. Please give him a round of applause."

People clapped their hands as Jaehyun, an alpha, handed the mic to the ex-second ranker, Johnny. The alpha accepted the mic and smiled at the crowd.

"Seems like both of our crushes looks like a full-meal course tonight," Taeyong whispered.

Ten hits his arm, "Shush. They might hear you."

"Don't tell me you haven't wished to be Johnny's mate," Taeyong squinted his eyes, teasing the omega beside him.

Ten avoided his eyes, "I'm listening to his speech, now shut up."

"This speech won't be long as I want to let you guys enjoy this night fully. Things will definitely change from now on. For me, I haven't lead a big group before but here I am, standing infront of every one of you...as the leader of this group. I will keep the peace and safety of everyone. Please take care of me. Enjoy the rest of the night."

People clapped their hands once again. Ten really admired Johnny. The way Ten would say, "he is fucking hella handsome, like no other." But not just because of his looks, Johnny is a responsible and a hard working alpha who could really lead a group. He is very ideal and Ten could just look at him from afar.

"Hey, Ten."

Ten woke up from his appreciation for Johnny and his eyes widened as he heard a very familiar voice. He turned around and smiled at Johnny with Jaehyun.

"Hey...Johnny," Ten greeted happily, trying to hide his embarrassment, "Hey, Jaehyun."

Jaehyun raised a hand and nodded, "May we seat with you guys?" the alpha asked.

Ten looked at Taeyong and teased him with his eyebrows. Taeyong rolled his eyes and resisted to blush.

"Yeah, sure," Ten answered and both of the alphas took their seats, "Hey, Jaehyun, you know Taeyong, right?"

Taeyong's widened and stepped on Ten's foot. Ten didn't hiss and just smiled at Taeyong in pain.

Jaehyun smiled, making his dimples appear, "Yeah, of course. Hey, Tae."

The alpha handed his hand to the omega and Taeyong shyly accepted the hand. Ten couldn't help but smile for the both of them. Ten could see that Jaehyun looks at Taeyong differently, it feels love. He soon look at Johnny who looks stunning while he's talking to someone. His side profile is just breathtaking. His sharp jaw was very evident while he talk and his facials are all perfect. He couldn't believe the alpha's seating right infront of him.

The night went deeper and some members are already drunk from the whiskey and tequila they've been drinking. Johnny and Taeyong are already drunk, they have already passed out. Ten frowned and softly pats Taeyong's back.

"Hey, can you walk?" Ten asked.

Taeyong groaned.

Ten rolled his eyes, "Of course, you can't."

Ten wrapped Taeyong's arm around his neck and was about to carry the omega but was surprised to hear Jaehyun.

"I'll get him home," Jaehyun said.

Ten frowned, "You sure? Clean intentions?"

"Y-Yeah, of course."

"Okay, then," Ten removed the arm, "Bring him home safely--Wait, what about Johnny?"

Jaehyun carried Taeyong like a bride and turned to Ten, "His apartment is a bit far from here. If you don't mind, I'll leave him in your house? I'll take him back by morning, don't worry."

Ten's face heats up, "Y-Yeah, sure."

A/N: I feel like I just published my first chapter in Wattpad--Like the feeling when I first published the first chapter of TAFL. I missed those days :")

Love lots ♥

OMEGA (ALPHA)-JOHNTENWhere stories live. Discover now