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"Love, I'll leave for work now," Johnny shouted as he finished doing wear for today in their room while Ten was busy in the balcony. It's been a year since they've been together so they thought that to share a room 'cause the other one is now being used.

Johnny goes out of their room as Ten wasn't answering. He walked closer to his mate in balcony. He hugged from the back and propped his head with Ten's shoulder.

"I'm going," Johnny said again and kissed the side of Ten's head.

Ten smiled as he kissed back, "Okay, have a fun in work."

"Taeyong and the others will be here soon to help you."

"I don't need help on taking care of River, honestly. I think I'll do fine without them," Ten said.

River is Ten and Johnny's very first son. But, the baby didn't come from Johnny's genes. River was actually came from the guy who raped Ten.

Ten knew he was pregnant after a month of the incident. He had many emotions when he heard he was two weeks pregnant--mostly he's upset and disappointed as the baby didn't come from Johnny. He thought about either dropping it or keeping it. He had many sleepless nights and slight mental breakdowns but all Johnny did was to soothe him that whatever his decision is, Johnny will understand. But, Ten would rather to keep it and take care of it as the baby didn't have any faults.

Ten actually made a good decision. River is now five months old and he look more like Ten to be honest.

"You still need some company. Also, having someone with you makes me feel relieved that you're much safer."

"Okay, fine. Anyway, you should go now, you might get late for work," Ten said while carrying River in his arms.

"Bye, love. Bye, lil' dude, don't give your mommy a headache, okay?" Johnny uttered and kissed the head of River.

Ten watched his mate go and left the unit. The omega continues to take some morning fresh air with his son. He's out for work, it was more like a resignation since he needs to take care of River while Johnny works instead. It's fine for Ten as he wants to be a hands-on parent for River.

Soon, he heard a knock from the front door. He looked at the direction and saw Taeyong coming in with a smile. The omega walked closer to his friend and pats his back.

"How he is?" Taeyong asked while he plays with River.

"He's doing fine."

"Oh, I brought some diapers and other needs for him. I'm sure you guys will run out soon so me and Jaehyun decided to bring you some. By the way, Mark and the others will come soon, I just got here first 'cause they still need to do something in work."

Ten chuckled, "What are you? River's nanny? Also, it's fine if they're a bit busy."

"Oh, come on, it's not bad if I'll also be hands-on for River too," Taeyong joked.

"I know you're practicing," Ten teased.

Taeyong shrugged his shoulders before going into the kitchen to make some breakfast for the both of them. Ten just sat on the couch while he waits for Taeyong. It didn't take long for Mark and the others arrive in the unit.

"Hey, Ten, how's it going?" Doyoung, a beta, asked as he sat beside the omega.

"Fine, nothing really troubles me except at night," Ten answered.

"Awee he's so cute, hyung! He looks just like me!" Haechan, an omega, joked.

Mark, a beta, comes in with plastic bags. Ten was shocked when he saw them. The alpha laid it on the counter top.

"What are those?" Ten asked.

Mark looked at him with a small smile, "Supplies for you and River, with Johnny-hyung."

"What is it about you guys with supplies?"

"Of course, we want the best for you and your family. Now that you guys have a son to take care, we want to make things easier for you," Mark answered and took a seat on the island.

"Also, you didn't have a formal baby shower so we're giving you gifts now," Haechan uttered.

Ten smiled at them, "Sweet. Thanks guys."

All afternoon, all of them just took their time on taking care of River. They take shifts so that Ten can have his rest in the afternoon since he's also busy in the night. Honestly, they've been a great help for Ten. They soon left the unit when night came. Johnny also came home from work and is now taking care of River since it's his turn.

"How was your day in work?" Ten asked. He was seated beside Johnny with his head leaned on his mate's shoulder.

"It went normal, nothing really happened," Johnny answered while he helps River to drink his milk, "How was the guys? They weren't a headache, were they?"

Ten shook his head, "They were great. I had my afternoon rest because of them."

"Still tired?"

Ten nodded. Johnny kissed the top of his head.

"Let's go to sleep then. You go ahead, I'll just bring River in his room."

Both of them stood up and walked to their rooms. Ten took his bath and wore his pyjamas. Soon, Johnny came into the room and took his bath. He came out in his pyjamas and saw Ten's eyelids already closed. The alpha goes to their bed and laid down beside his mate. He wrapped his arms around the slim waist and snuggled against his neck.

"Have you ever thought about this day?" Ten suddenly asked, "That I'll get pregnant with someone else?"

"Of course not, but I don't think it's a problem," Johnny answered.

"I'm glad it wasn't. I'm glad I kept River."

Johnny chuckled, "So did I. I'm happy you did the right thing. Keeping him makes everything much brighter and happier."

"I want to spend our lives like this forever," Ten whispered with his eyes half-open already

Johnny smiled, "I'm sure we will."


A/N: It ended a bit boring, sorry about that. But, I hope you guys enjoyed the whole story. I feel more relaxed with this one and I think I did fine with it. This made it up to rank 1 in one of the tags and I'm happy you guys helped me to have a successful story again. Shoot me and Omega (Alpha) made me realize that I wasn't really good at Johnten. I sometime struggle with couple's concept and personalities that's why I sometimes get writer's block. I know you guys think it doesn't make any difference when writing Jaeyong but you gotta imagine the characters bros to have a nice story.

And sorry to say that, Johnten is officially on Hiatus. I'll come back with a new concept when I have one. I still have many more ship requests so I want to finish them first before going back to a ship again.

Thank you again for reading this story! I appreciate your individual support and I'm happy that got to reach 800+ followers. It's just like yesterday that I reached my goal to have 100 followers bUT UNBELIEVABLE, I GOT TO REACH THIS MUCH FOLLOWERS. HOPE I COULD REACH 1K~

Love lots ♥

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