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It's Saturday, and it's a day-off for all the members of the group--Therefore, Johnny is at home until tomorrow. Ten actually feels nervous when he woke up this morning. He was feeling very anxious as he doesn't want to feel awkward with Johnny. As much as he doesn't want to be, he can't stop but be like that.

Ten just want to stay inside his room all day and collect himself before he confronts Johnny. But, he feels like it won't just be a day, he needs all the time to think and calm himself.

Won't it be unfair to Johnny? Johnny's okay with the confession, he accepts Ten. And he said to forget everything because he doesn't want Ten to be all tensed when Johnny's around.

Ten is still on his bed and thinking about just move on. He sat up and ran his fingers through his dark brownish hair.

"You know what, Ten, let's fuck it again," Ten said to himself as he stood up and walks up to open the door, "Let's fuck it like you fucking always do."

The omega pulled the door open and immediately stopped on his track as Johnny was infront of him, he also stops as soon as he heard Ten's door open. They look into their eyes and Ten thought how breathtaking Johnny looks when he just wakes up. Literally, he heavily breathed and almost drooled.

Johnny softly smiled, "Good morning."

Ten's heart beats faster and immediately avoided Johnny's eyes, "G-Good morning."

Johnny took long to walk pass his mate. Ten returns his eyes to Johnny to watch him go. He followed him to the kitchen and thought about cooking. He's been here for a week and he haven't cooked Johnny some breakfast.

"What do you want?" Ten asked as soon as he reached the stove. He pulled out a pan out of the cabinets and prepared all the materials needed.


Ten looked at him and tried not to avoid his gaze this time. He smiled anxiously at his mate.

"I'll cook breakfast, what do you want me to make?" Ten asked again.

Johnny took a minute. He was actually staring at Ten before he snapped.

"Anything's fine. As long as it's from you," Johnny said before sitting on a chair of the table with his phone on hand.

Ten blushed before pulling out some eggs and other ingredients out of the fridge. He mixed all of it and cooked pancakes. It was pretty easy to make and just a little time needed to cook it. As soon as he finished, he puts five each and served to the alpha. He brought the syrups, butter and whipped cream. He poured orange juice on both of the glasses before he sat on the chair opposite to Johnny's.

Johnny puts down his phone and looked surprised when he saw pancakes.

The alpha hummed in satisfaction, "Looks good, they smell good too."

They dig in and Ten was happy that Johnny liked it. They ate quietly and Ten didn't like it. It was a different kind of silence.

"How were you?" Johnny asked as he took a bite of his pancakes.

Ten shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know what to feel..."

"Yeah, I know. Does my presence made you this tense and anxious?"

The omega was surprised with the alpha's words, "Who wouldn't? I mean...A person gets tense and anxious when the one you love is right infront of you and is, in fact, your mate."

Johnny chuckled, "I told you to--"

"I know...you already said it to me last night. But, it just sucks that we'll just act normal like I didn't confess to you. I know...you don't like me and I already expect this day to happen...But I can't just forget about my feelings for you, Johnny," Ten said whilst he play the leftover bits of his pancakes and avoiding Johnny's eyes.

Ten sulks and just didn't want things to end like this. Acting normal after a confession is like a silent rejection. He knows he'll get rejected and fuck, he knows too well.

"I didn't say anything about forgetting your feelings for me. Ten, I care for you. I've said that since you came here and I just want us to be just the way we started. I don't want you to avoid me 'cause it is definitely awkward to be with someone you're attracted with in a unit. Nothing will change, hopefully," Johnny uttered sincerely, "Ten, look at me."

The demanding tone Johnny made made Ten shiver. He bit his lower lip and slowly looked at his mate.

"I'm attracted to you."

Ten went deaf. His eyes widen and his teeth released his lower lip. His jaw dropped. The sound of his heart beating was deafening and it was hurting his chest. He couldn't believe Johnny stayed calm after the confession. How does he do that?

"It's always been you, Ten," Johnny uttered.

Both of them went quiet. Johnny goes back to eating and Ten is just playing. The omega slumped on his chair with his shoulders up. He drank his orange cup.

"I love you," Ten suddenly uttered which made Johnny to look at him again. The omega's voice was soft and could barely heard but the alpha heard it loud and clear.

Johnny stood up from his chair which broke Ten's heart. Ten becomes upset immediately but he was surprised when he felt Johnny kissed his forehead. He blushed furiously and his heart jumped.

Johnny was the one who cleaned up the table. Ten stood up from chair and walked up to stand beside Johnny who was already washing the plates and materials that Ten used.

"Let me do it instead, it's my mess anyway," Ten said.

Johnny wraps his arm around Ten's waist, "Let me instead. Just take your rest."

The alpha retreated his arm to use it for cleaning. The omega leaned as his head hit the arm of the alpha. Johnny looked at Ten and saw him in a pout. He kissed at the top of his mate's head before returning his look on the plates he needs to wash.

Ten is really too cute to be true for Johnny.

OMEGA (ALPHA)-JOHNTENWhere stories live. Discover now