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Ten was all alone inside the condominium unit. Like every omega, he was used to clean and do house chores. He vacuumed the beige colored carpeted floor and the couches with the pillows. He dusted every furniture and made them shine. After, he did cook for himself but he didn't have any appetite that's why he barely ate anything.

Ten craves for Johnny.

Ten just laid himself on the couch and watched some channels on TV. His heat wasn't severe unlike his first day, but he still crave for some action. He doesn't know how he stops himself from bouncing on Johnny but it was unbelievable. Maybe, both of them aren't still ready, which in his side is true.

The omega felt bored and reached out his phone that was just on the side-table beside the couch he was sitting. He dialed the person he needed to talk to.

"Hello? You busy?"

Ten's voice was small and he fidgeted his other hand with his toes.

"No, not at all. Why? Do you need anything?" Johnny asked through the phone.

Ten bit the inside of his cheek, "Not really."

"Not really?"

"Is it normal to crave?" Ten asked shyly.

"Crave? Crave for what exactly? Do you want me to buy anything?"

"Mmm...Nevermind, bye!"

Ten ended the call and threw his phone beside him as he covered his red face with both of his hands. He squealed in embarrassment and regretted doing it. Atleast he heard his voice, it slightly lessen the crave but it's still bothering Ten.

Ten picked up his phone again and called someone else.

"You busy?"

"No...? Why?" Taeyong asked.

"I'm craving."

Ten heard Taeyong coughed, "W-What? Craving? Are you...?"

"Fuck, no! I'm not pregnant...Doesn't omegas naturally crave for their mates?"

"Oh, right. Why don't you call Johnny, then?"

"I just called him,before I called you."

"And...? Why did he say?"


"What?! What do you mean no--"

"I didn't tell him that I was craving for him. What the fuck, Tae? Would you tell Jaehyun that?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Oh, I forgot, you two are already a thing. Anyway, I didn't tell him. What would that result to? I can't reveal my feelings for him yet."

"You're. such. a. chicken. Tell him! It's been three years, I'm sure you're ready...Or I will."

"You bit--Maybe it's fine if you tell him instead. I'm too scared."

"Why are you scared? Oh my, fuck. It's just telling that you love him."

"Tae, fucking understand me for once. It's much harder if I'll be the one to confess."

"Oh, wow. So, I'll be your cupid? Okay, fine. No problem. Make sure to welcome him when he gets home then."

The call ended and it's impossible that Taeyong would say it to Johnny. Their tones are obviously joking and sarcastic.

On the other hand, Johnny was busy about the patrolling. His schedule was in the afternoon and his partner is Jaehyun but Taeyong replaced his boyfriend for the meantime. So, both of them are walking side-by-side while they look around for any troubles in the streets.

"How's Ten?" Taeyong asked. He was wearing a white turtle neck shirt which hides the black collar that was for omegas to prevent unnecessary actions. Maybe Jaehyun told him to wear it.

"He's fine...I hope. He called me a while ago," Johnny said.

"Oh, really? What did he say?"

Johnny hummed, "He said he was craving. But, he didn't say anything about what he was craving for exactly."

"Have anything in mind?"

"Not really. I'm not an omega so I don't know what you guys crave for or what happens to your bodies."

Taeyong nodded, "Well, for all I know, omegas crave whenever they're pregnant."

Johnny looked at the omega beside him with a confused and shocked look, "Impossible. I didn't even touched him for once."

"That's good to know but...if they aren't pregnant, omegas mostly crave for their mates' attention. We want to be loved, that's all," Taeyong answered.

Johnny blinked and nodded. He suddenly felt guilty. He's actually avoiding to get too close Ten as he doesn't anything to spark. He doesn't want to take Ten when he's not even ready to do so. He sighed and thought how much of a bad mate he is while they continue to walk.

"It's fine if you're somewhat, avoiding him'cause you don't want to...you know, have any intercourse...I fully understand that. But, we still, of course, needs your attention. We still need your care," Taeyong uttered, "You know, Ten's very fragile. He's actually inlove with someone but that someone doesn't seem to notice him that much."

Johnny was surprised to hear that Ten's inlove. So, did he just stole Ten from his unrequited love?

"Am I at fault that he didn't got to be with his someone?" Johnny asked worriedly.

Is he this insensitive? Taeyong thought.

"Dunno. Why don't you figure it out for yourself? Ask him about it."

"Don't you think it's not nice to ask that to him? I'm sure he's still upset."

Taeyong couldn't help but laugh. He pats the alpha's shoulder, "Trust me on this, John. I may be too harsh on you right from the start but trust me on it. Ask him if he wants to be with that someone. Also, try asking him who it is."

Johnny knitted his eyebrows together and thought about it deeply.

A/N: School's about to start tomorrow. But, there's a big chance I could still update for the whole week. Still depends but I'll finish this story by the end of the week. Hope you guys liked the chapter!

Love lots ♥

OMEGA (ALPHA)-JOHNTENWhere stories live. Discover now