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The door breaks open as Jaehyun kicked it hard. The piece of wood fell down and Jaehyun and Taeyong flinched. Taeyong looked at the alpha with a are you serious? look and Jaehyun just shrugged.

"I'll fix it, babe," Jaehyun said as he walked through the house of Ten and Taeyong followed.

Everything was love at first sight when Jaehyun saw Taeyong last night at the party. Taeyong was very delighted when Jaehyun just admitted that he likes him at first sight. And of course, Taeyong told Jaehyun that both him and Ten are omegas. Which added the love points of Taeyong to Jaehyun.

"Well, you better or I'll kick--Oh my fuck! Ten!" Taeyong shouted which made Jaehyun run through the kitchen.

Jaehyun's eyes widened. He just saw Johnny caging Ten with his body. The alpha also smelled the strong pheromone of an omega which was Ten's. He saw how Taeyong pulled Ten and Johnny apart and he shakes the omega's body. Jaehyun looked at his alpha and he immediately pinned him against the floor as he was ready to ravage the heated omega.

"Oh my...Ten! Wake the fuck up!" Taeyong worriedly uttered. He slapped the unconscious omega's face but nothing's happening, "Ten! Te--"

Taeyong's worried eyes are soon replaced with horror. His eyes saw the bite mark which was made by Johnny. His breathing went heavy and he felt his blood boiling. He bit his lower lip and laid the omega on the floor before charging at Johnny. He gripped the alpha's collar and his eyes were like on fire as anger filled him.

"What the fuck's problem with you?!" Taeyong asked angrily, his grip on the collar tightened.

Johnny comes back to his sense. He looked at the angry omega, horrified, "I-I...I'm sorry..."

"You're sorry? What will I do with your sorry?! You tell me, Johnny! What will I do with your fucking sorry? Will Ten be unmarked? No! Of course not!" Taeyong raged.

Jaehyun immediately pulled Taeyong away. He dragged the angry omega out of the kitchen by arm.

"What the f--Jae! You better let me go or I won't--"

Taeyong stopped as Jaehyun pinned him against the wall. There faces are just an inch apart. Jaehyun wasn't bothered as he kept a straight face but Taeyong's angry are all drained out and his cheeks went pink. He swallowed thickly and pursed his lips into his mouth.

"You calm down a bit. Of course, Johnny didn't know about you and Ten being omegas, disguising as alphas. Hear him out," Jaehyun calmly said.

"B-But, I...I just can't believe Ten's marked already! What if he wakes up? I'm sure he'll be disappointed."

Jaehyun sighed and lovingly held the omega's hand, "Of course he will be, but I'm sure he'll accept it. Who omega wouldn't be happy that his marked and mated with his unrequited love?"

Taeyong knitted his eyebrows. Jaehyun got a point.

"Wouldn't you be happy if you're marked by me?" Jaehyun asked.

Taeyong rolled his eyes and his cheeks went red, "Move away. I'll talk to Johnny."

Jaehyun watched Taeyong leave him and he just smirked at how much of a cutie his omega is.

Taeyong returned and saw Johnny seated on the table, looking regretful. The omega sat on the chair opposite to Johnny's.

"Jae, babe, please carry Ten to his room upstairs. Thanks," Taeyong said and Jaehyun obliged.

Johnny sighed and is scared to make an excuse to Taeyong. He did regret, he didn't stop himself. But, he didn't know Ten's an omega.

"Look, I know you're mad about me marking Ten...I-I didn't know--"

"It's fine, it already happened. What will I do if it already happened?" Taeyong rhetorically asked, "Let's just have an agreement."

Johnny nodded as he doesn't want to argue. It's his fault so he should just do everything to make everything up for everyone.

"Since you and Ten are now mates, I want you in full responsibility. What I mean by full is full, like actual loving mates. I didn't want Ten to be mated with some useless alpha. I think you'll do fine," Taeyong said, "I just want you to be protecting Ten. I'm not wishing for you to love him, because I know love takes time to develop. Your care and protection is all Ten need. Am I clear, Johnny?"

Johnny sighed and smiled at the omega, "Yeah, sure. Don't worry, I'll try and do my best as his mate."

Taeyong smiled softly, "Thanks. Maybe, as much as possible, I want him in your care, even if it means him living with you."

"Is it gonna be okay if he'll be living in my condo?" Johnny asked.

"...As long as he's in your care, I'm fine with you. J-Just don't do anything stupid without his permission."

Soon, Ten woke up from his slumber and felt the sharp pain on his nape, still in heat. Taeyong was the one who spilled the truth. Both of the alphas were at the living room and suddenly heard a scream. It was a hysterical scream of Ten. He stood up from his bed and ran into his bathroom. He stood infront of a mirror and holding a mirror behind him, and saw the bite mark on his nape.

Taeyong looked at his friend with pity. He just told Ten that Johnny will be in full responsibility.

Ten, of course, is happy that Johnny is his mate. Mate by mark. But he didn't want this so soon. Johnny doesn't love him and it'll be hard not to keep his feelings to him. Now that, he'll be living with Johnny, everything will be a mess. What will happen to them right now?

OMEGA (ALPHA)-JOHNTENWhere stories live. Discover now