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Ten packed all of his things and he doesn't if he should be nervous or happy that he'll living with the love of his life. He also doesn't know what will happen if everyone in work know about him and Taeyong's long time secret.

They already talked about Ten's house and decided to leave it. It'll be just a safe house.

"Take care, Ten," Taeyong uttered, bending down to reach the car's window.

"Hey, you fucker, you better take care of him," Taeyong frowned at Johnny.

Ten looked Taeyong with squinted eyes, worried about Johnny. The Alpha might get pressured. But Johnny looked pretty annoyed with Taeyong right now. Jaehyun just calms Taeyong down.

"Okay. We're going. Bye," Johnny bids before starting the engine and driving away.

Ten sat on the passenger seat. His legs are closed together and his hand are on his lap, feeling foreign with the car and the strong alpha scent that's circulating inside. It was making Ten uncomfortable, not because of the awkwardness between him and Johnny but because of Johnny himself. Who wouldn't go crazy about being in one place with your secret love?

His fingers fiddles and he couldn't help but bit his lower lip.

"I'm sorry," Johnny suddenly uttered softly, regret was evident on the tone of his voice.

Ten tensed and snapped his neck as he turned to look at Johnny, "W-Why...?"

"Neither one of us wanted this to happen. It's my fault that I couldn't resist myself," Johnny said.

Ten blinked, "P-Please, don't be. It was my fault that I kept my kind as a secret."

Johnny sighed, "I know you just want to protect yourself from being marked that's why you kept it as a secret."

The omega didn't want to see the Alpha like this. He looks really regretful and upset. It hurts him to see the Alpha like this. Of course, he wants to see him happy, like always. He bit the inside of his cheek and left the conversation hanging.

Ten fell asleep while the ride is still going. Johnny's apartment is really far and he was already thinking about moving. He thought about him moving in Ten's house instead, but of course like any other alpha mate, they want their mate to be in a nice and safe environment. As much as possible, he wants Ten to be happy even though they were mated untimely. It was rushed but he just wish that Ten's not upset about it. It's making me feel guilty and stressed out.

As soon as they arrived the condominium building. Johnny didn't want to wake Ten up so he just carried the omega like a bride. He told a manservant to bring their bags in his room.

The Alpha walks into the elevator and pushed the button of the 10th floor. As the elevator was quiet, he looked at Ten who just groaned and snuggled up against Johnny's chest. Johnny felt a bit flustered.

As soon as they arrived on the 10th floor, Johnny carried Ten until he reached his room's door. He opened it, a bit hard to swipe the card because he was carrying Ten but succeeded. The bags are already delivered by the servant and Johnny thanked him before dismissing him.

Johnny gently laid Ten on a bed that he'll be sleeping on from now on. Both of them have their own rooms to sleep in. Suddenly, his phone rings which made me flustered. He immediately answered the call from a member of their group. He was needed for a meeting and he suddenly thought about Ten. He can't leave the omega, Taeyong might kill him. The alpha looked at the sleeping omega worriedly.

"I'll be back," Johnny gently uttered before leaving the room.

The alpha goes out of the room and locked his condominium unit. He doesn't want anything bad to happen for Ten, Taeyong's gonna kill him. After locking, he goes straight into the elevator and pushed the lobby button. The silver doors closed and he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He dialed Jaehyun.

"You going?" Jaehyun asked as soon as he accepted the call.

"Of course. I'm the leader, after all."

"If you're going, who's gonna look after Ten? Taeyong's gonna be damned if he knew you left him."

"He'll be damned if you'll tell him, Jae," Johnny said while he goes out of the elevator and straight to the underground parking, "I locked the unit, don't worry. Also, I'll go home soon anyway after the meeting."

Johnny opened his car and stepped into the driver's seat.

"You locked it? You think that's enough?"

"Just shut up, okay? I know what I'm doing. I'm going now, see you."

Johnny ended the call. He immediately drove away as he didn't want to leave Ten too long.

It didn't take long for him to arrive. He used his top speed to arrive for less than a half an hour. Johnny parked his car and walked out of it. He fixed his dress shirt as he go into the building. It was a small building, like a two story mansion. They did want to hide and disguise their HQ, so it was also basically hidden.

Johnny was greeted by many and he stood infront of the crowd.

The meeting was about him as the new leader. He also added some rules and regulations for the good of the group. The schedule for the patrols are the same so nothing much was changed. Johnny soon saw Jaehyun walking towards him.

"Tell them," Jaehyun whispered, audibly for Johnny only.

"I'll hide it for a while," Johnny said.

Jaehyun elbowed him, "Ten is a member of this group, people will eventually know. Ten will eventually get immune with the medicines he's been taking. Also, your mark is visible."

"I don't want to risk. I just stepped into this career, I already broke a rule."

Jaehyun sighed, "It's not a problem if you broke rule. It's just the no mate rule, no big deal. Just prove that, even if you already have a mate, you could still be responsible."

"Don't worry, I'll tell them about it soon. I just need to take my time to think."

"Where's Ten?"

Both of the alphas looked at the one who talked. They saw a frowned face Taeyong with his hands on his petite hips.

"He's in my condo unit, don't worry."


Jaehyun immediately covered the omega's mouth, making Taeyong to stop.

"Just go, before this explodes."

Johnny nodded and pats Jaehyun's shoulder before exiting the building.

OMEGA (ALPHA)-JOHNTENWhere stories live. Discover now