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WARNING: People who are very sensitive with disturbing scenes, go away. It's for your own good :)

It has been already a week and Ten was attacked with his heat again. Unfortunately, he was irregular so his heat might just suddenly come which scares him a lot. But, it was good that he was still at home when his heat came.

"I'll be back late today," Johnny said.

Even though, Ten felt weak, he still cook lunch and an early dinner for Johnny. The alpha wished to stay all day in the unit to keep the omega some company, but he was called to have an emergency meeting tonight. As much as Ten wanted him to stay, he can't 'cause it's work.

Ten shrugged his shoulders as he served the dish on the table and sat infront of Johnny, "It's fine. Work is work."

They ate their early dinner and Ten insisted on washing the plates. While he was scrubbing the plate, arms wraps around his waist. Johnny was giving him a back hug and Ten didn't mind but he tried not to blush. The alpha kissed the side of the omega's head.

"I'll make it up to you, love," Johnny uttered sweetly against Ten's ear.

Ten turned his head to peck his mate's lips, "It's fine. Just don't get too late, okay?"

"Yessir. Gotta go," Johnny bids.

"Okay, take care."

Johnny gave a kiss on the head again before going out of the unit, locking it again. Ten finished cleaning the plates and moves onto cleaning himself. As much as he was really turned on because of his heat and Johnny's touch a while ago, he didn't want to touch himself--He didn't like touch himself. It just makes him crave for his mate more and Johnny haven't had any plans on having a child yet. He'd rather suffer than doing the things they haven't really talked about.

Ten goes out of his bathroom in his pyjamas and suddenly, a knock from the door was heard which made his head turn to the door's direction. The omega walks near to the door and tiptoed to peek on the peephole.

"Ten? Are you in there?"

Ten was surprised to see his coworker in the group. How did he know that he's here?

"Ten?" He called again.

Ten cleared his throat, "W-What are you doing here?"

He forgot what was his name but he knows him by face. Honestly, it was Ten's ex-crush. The guy was pretty attractive, until Johnny came.

"I'm here because of sir Johnny's orders," He answered, "Could you please open the door?"

Ten tensed as he goes down. He leaned on the door, "I'm sorry but I can't."

"Ten, I came all the way here just to have a talk to you with sir Johnny's orders."

"I-I'm really sorry but...I really can't. You just might as well leave."

Ten heard no noise after what he said. He sighed in relief and walks away from the door. But, something suddenly banged the door. It shocked him and made him feel really scared. His heart beats a thousand per minute nervously.

The door's knob eventually got broken because of all the banging. The door suddenly opened and Ten saw the guy. He didn't even think twice to run away and lock himself in his room. But, arms pulled him to stop and pulled him into a harsh embrace from the back. Ten's eyes started to fill with tears.

"P-Please let me go..." Ten pleaded.

The guy snuggled his face on the omega's neck and tried to smell the small amount of Ten's strong omega pheromones. Ten started to cry helplessly.

"You're not going anywhere," the guy whispered.

Ten was carried and as much as he tried to struggle, the guy was too strong. No doubt, it was always one of an alpha's characteristics. The omega was brought to a room, more likely Johnny's because of his mate's alpha pheromones.

He was thrown onto the bed and a muscular body hovered over his small frame.

"I haven't tasted an omega that smells really delicious," the guy said, already started to kiss Ten on the neck.

Ten was pushing him away but his hands was pinned down with the hand of the guy. He bit his lower lip and felt weak under the alpha. He didn't want to give up but his body failed him.

The guy started kissing Ten on his face. Tears streaming down on the omega's face and he felt really sick already. The guy started to pull Ten's shorts down and the omega's erection sprung up. He stroked it lovingly. Ten panted and bit his lower lip to prevent moans from escaping his mouth. The guy then removed Ten's shirt to play with his body.

"You're so wet and hard for me, Ten."

"P-Please--Ugh! Stop this..." Ten begged.

"Stop what? You seem to like it."

The guy stopped stroking and started to unbuckle his own pants. His big erection was in full display. Ten felt scared, terrified and horrified. He didn't want any of this. This is the worst that could happen to an omega and Ten didn't even know this could happen to him until now.

"I'm gonna fucking breed you, Ten. You're gonna have the best time of your life," the guy said before slamming himself into Ten.

Ten screamed in pain and he cried. Tears run down his cheeks and called Johnny for help in his mind. All he wants right now is Johnny by his side. He needs help but he could seem to find his strength to call out.

The guy slammed at him and Ten's teeth digs onto his lower lip, and it could bleed anytime. His hands gripped the sheets and his knuckles are pale white. No pleasure was felt and all was pain and against his will. Moans are missing and his body ached real bad by now. His breathing was irregular and everything in his body screamed sick. He wants to vomit.

It didn't take long until Ten came with the guy at the same time. Ten was too afraid and tired to complain as he looked dead on the bed. The guy stood up and walked out of the room like nothing happened.

It was then Ten immediately stood up from the bed and goes into the bathroom nakedly. He soon vomited in the toilet, he felt very sick. He didn't stop vomiting and he just cried in pain and ill. Everything in his body just doesn't felt well. He felt really dirty, he wants to rip his skin and just wants to die. Soon, he felt a hand rubbing his back and it was Taeyong.

Taeyong just cried with him.

"Calm down, calm down...He's gone, Ten," Taeyong soothed.

Ten cried and he was just thankful that they came but at the wrong time.

A/N: I know this is illegal but sometimes, you just gotta go for it to have a good story line. Sorry for the disturbing scene but I hope you guys understand an author's responsibility--to make her readers enjoy the story. Hope some of you enjoyed the chapter!

Love lots ♥

OMEGA (ALPHA)-JOHNTENWhere stories live. Discover now