|fifty six|

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your lips were stroked on your face in pale red,
along with cheeks that were scattered with dark stars that shone on your dark skin,
your eyes moon-like, with crusts in it, with the light illuminating behind it.
there was this rhythm that flowed whenever you speak, or laughed, or cried. 
this rhythm smoothed out my troubles and it'd lift up my lips so i'd know what it is to smile. 
it would caress my cheeks and run itself down my hair, it would force my eyes to shut tight from the comfort and contentment that it endlessly delivered.

i never knew i could travel the whole universe simply from when my fingertips touched your skin,
the immediate contact would make my whole body tremble.
and i'd experience all fervours and all intensity.  

and i hope you leave with the knowledge that i have loved and lived just as you hoped me to. 

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