|ninety nine|

7 0 0

it tastes a little ominous, 
this cake that you've baked;
the topping perfidious. 
i suppose it's meant to be inconspicuous, 
but the sour scent in my senses appears to be poisonous. 

what was i expecting really, 
receiving a cake from someone so treacherous, 
someone who've left me helpless with no remorse. 
painting black all over my purpose, 
drawing a crowd to taunt me, oh how vicious. 

ive been the main lead in all your shows, 
all so cunning and highly disastrous. 
wrecking my image with relentless emphasis;
using my secrets as your clever scripts. 

the spotlight feels like a surgical lighthead, 
your body hovering close and in hand a knife, 
at that moment i'd have preferred if you stabbed my back, 
rather than you slicing my skin in a moment of strife. 

your sly dissection, 
now an ongoing operation
is simply to watch how long i can take, 
my chest a soap opera, 
my heart a screaming agony
as you laugh in glee at my perfect audition
to star in your destructive productions. 

i should have never eaten that cake, 
the day you arrived with everything for me to take. 
i should have never overlooked that smirk on your face, 
those murderous eyes watching me turn into snow white, 
only this time i was no longer meant to be awake. 

(this was fun to mess around with the words)

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