|fifty eight|

21 2 1

there's nothing.
nothing that reminds me that i matter in this place.
there's nothing left for me to hold on to because
now i wonder if im the only one holding onto it.
i dont know why there's nothing too,
haven't i given enough?
haven't i made them laugh enough for me to at least spark a little in their mind?
haven't i shouted enough for my voice to echo in their ears even after i left?

or have i given too much?
maybe too much is just my habit,
and then that 'too much' is gone for absolutely nothing,
because i dont matter. 
im not worth at least a glance,
or at least a reminder. 

maybe im that little drawer inside their head that they've locked and lost the key to.
maybe im not worthy enough to make them treasure the key.
have i at least signified myself? or burned myself to leave a scar on their skin? did they plaster a permanent bandage over it? 

too many questions but from time to time,
i know the answer.

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