|ninety four|

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i remember her face.
when she toddled to my restless body and looked up at her parents,
excited because she's never seen such being.
and late at nights and every crack of dawns,
she hovers at me, her tiny fingers embracing my tiny body,
and she giggles because one day i'll grow enough to play with her.

which i do.
i was cutting off barbie doll's hairs and she'd be mismatching their outfits,
i was falling asleep to a princess cartoon and she'd be cradling my body,
i never minded what to wear because i'll be wearing what she wears,
i never worried of being alone because she'd always be there. 

she became a pillar of my past,
she became the signs to my cast,
she became the only person who'd lay next to me at night,
and the lullabies founded on promises and delights.

it had always been us,
she'd hold my sword and i'd hold her shield,
we'd forget about the pace of time,
we'd forget about black holes and spaces for we never parted,
we'd know no existence of fancy trains or cars for we never left each other.

and my life is founded on her.
and my inner pains and happiness all relied on her.
and it's carved inside me everything is her, and her, and her.

but there'll come a time when she disappears behind the gates,
when she gives me that smile which we know it's a goodbye,
when i'd float on my tears and blur out the stars the night tries to offer me,
when the room grows cold and dust becomes her,
when we all try to keep the void out but eventually grow tired,
when her face becomes a cloud slowly moving out of my head.

and that time is soon.
a date is set on it.
and all i ever do is not count it down. 

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