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I think it's time I conclude this poetry book. It's almost 3 years since I've begin this, but a bit more than that since I started writing poetry.

I know there aren't alot of readers for this one but it doesn't bother me much. I think it's just a nice feeling to know that I've put this out here, where anyone can see it on full display and it's just up to them if they want to read it or not.

Poetry has become more than just words being fancy. It's a form of advice, I think. It convinces me what to feel. When I'm in a situation where I don't know what to do, or what to feel, writing what I hope to feel helps. Maybe I want to be hopeful, or calm, or sad. Poetry makes that possible.

Thank you if you've read till this far. Thank you for taking time to read the silly letters that make up into silly words. They mean everything.

Thank you :)

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