|ninety eight|

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it's the pleasantries that come along with his amused broken laugh,
that shock of happiness; as if he's just discovering what it means to be happy after centuries of mundane loops.

he's the embodiment of chaos,
the sole definition of loud and alive,
he's always there, he's always breathing,
he's always walking around making a mess of the light,
of the quiet and the serene,
of the white flags that tears at the seams.
he's the bark of laughter that you desperately need in moments of fear,
that lift of weight upon your shoulders, that surprising yet expected open clear.
he pulls your anchor up and away until you're sent flying and one with the birds and blended with the sky, until the rain follows you from behind, and he's watching from below with intentions of doing more.

he's left a mark wherever he's gone.
a presence more relentless than a scar,
a skin more wider than the ocean,
an inexplicable essence of freedom and wildness.
oh, he's never tamed,
he's burned the leashes and melted the chains,
he's proliferated the liberty in becoming insane.

yes, nothing matches his chaos.
a maelstrom of taunts and fearless dares,
an abstruse repellent to anything capable of swallowing him whole;
a human, a being, a shell to hide something more sinister, nobody knows. yet everybody paves way, yet everybody bows down.

because it didn't matter what he is in the end, everybody still weakens.

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