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(this isn't a poem. perhaps just my thoughts at late night)

moments are never gone.
they don't come either.

it forms.
it transforms from one body to another. so it never comes out of nowhere.

that smile? a small smile between you and a little girl?
a moment.

that sigh? a sigh you shared with a fellow friend?
a moment.

it doesn't go. it just becomes another form of moment. it just develops into something else. what you feel is your moment. what you do based on that feeling is your moment. and with a snap of change to what you feel, transforms the moment into something else.

just like the law of conservation of energy. where nothing begins. where nothing ends either.

it just becomes. it's already there. a second is a moment. a blink is a moment. every moment is meaningful, only we don't pay attention to those. we think there's a moment only when something special occurs, when you make eye contact with your crush, or receive a pat on the back from a stone-faced teacher.

but no. moments are with you all the time. a little breath of sigh is a moment.

and they just don't last. how a falling ball's kinetic energy quickly transforms into heat or sound energy once it hits the floor. how a moment would constantly differ with every millisecond.

you would feel amazing with a moment you've just had with your mother, and then forget that walking with your father down the hall silently was also a moment because you're convinced that moments are only moments when situations feel significant. and maybe that's why many feel pain when they recall a significant moment after losing something. when there are endless moments they could hold onto.

when there is more and more if we just think about it. and love every moment.

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