No one had done anything to stop it

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That was a close call.

L-lets go b-back to our hotel room. I don't wanna see anyone anymore. I headed over to my hotel room, quickly packing up to leave. I tried to keep my breathing leveled. Esmeralda I'm panicking, what if they find out what if they lock me up what if-

If they so much touch you I will fight Mari. That's certain. I heard a knock on our door and headed over to see who it was. No, don't answer the door! It was Big mouth, Spain, and my not so sure but probably is still my husband America. I wish I had listened to Esme.

"c-can I help you, boys?"

"Yes, can you let us in please?" Don't let them in Maria. Don't let them corner you.

"I-i'm sorry boys, but you caught me in a r-rather unfortunate time. S-see I'm leaving today."

"All the more reason why we need to talk to you Mar Mar." The old nickname America used to call me...

Don't fall for it. They just want your trust.

"I g-guess a few minutes won't h-hurt'' 

Dammit, Maria WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! I let them in, closing the door behind me. 

"S-so what did you want to talk about?" I gripped my wrist, trying to stay calm. I faked a smile, maybe that will make them leave faster.

"Your distant/ depressed mood. And-and the voice you yell at." I could have sworn that I stopped breathing.

"Y-you are overreacting! I-i'm fine, I'm still happy! A-and I don't yell at anyone. You must be delusional." Esme, they know that I've been yelling at you!!! I don't want to get locked up! I don't want to be separated from my kids again I-

Maria relax. Just play your cards right, and they'll know that it's just all in their pretty little heads. My breathing calmed down a bit. I wanted to curl up in a ball so bad, but I can't. Not right now.

"Mar Mar, please...I miss you, talk to me." America placed both hands on each of my shoulders. I felt trapped, so so trapped.

Doesn't this feel familiar Maria? He's doing the exact same thing he did before he took your kids. He's going to hurt you.

"Y-you never v-visit...why is now any d-different?" I asked, trying to hold in the tears, my hands in fists.

"Because you're here now and I am trying to make this right for both of us including our kids."

"If you wanted to make things right you would have given me back the kids that you stole from me," I growled.

"How many times do I have to say this...You were unstable to raise them. Some of them were sold to my boss from yours."

"Oh, so I'm unstable?! I didn't bomb fucking Japan, I didn't start a war just because my spouse didn't want to give up the kids, I didn't support the dictators in South America because it was convenient and it would bring me profit!!! And he didn't sell them, YOU STOLE THEM!"

"Japan bombed me first and took the lives of many husbands and sons. I started that war to get them out of your financial issues so they can thrive on their own, Yes he did sell them to me!"

"So did the Mexican American war!! And for your information, we were In prosperity before your ass came in and ruin everything! THAT'S ALL YOU DO YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!!"

"That's what you truly think? Is that how you honestly feel Mexico?"

"America calm down think-"

"Shut up England this between us two. I want to know how she really feels about what we been through as husband and wife."

"Oh so now it's about 'we'?! Last time I checked all you cared about was yourself and your fucking money!! HELL, RIGHT NOW YOU'RE DROWNING IN IT WHILE MY PEOPLE BARELY HAVE ANYTHING TO EAT!!!"

"You never ask me for help. You always say 'no its fine I know a way to make my own money' or 'no I refuse to ask your boss for help' which I understand why but you're making yourself suffer!"

"I am not!! I can't ask for it because my boss doesn't let me!! Now leave me alone!!!" I was breathing harder now, I felt myself losing air.

Mari calm down. Breath, in and out. In and out. 1,2. 1,2. I did as Esme said, relaxing a bit. 

Thank you, Esme.

"Your boss needs to get his head on straight. This is ridiculous."

"You're the one making a fuss about it! I should have known that I married an Icarus all those years ago..." I saw the hurt and anger in America's face.

"You should have said no than...If I bother you that much maybe we should just divorce." He stormed out the room. I felt my heart break in two, tears streaming down my face. Alfred no... God please no...

I told you, Mari. He doesn't love you. He embarrassed you in front of the children, took them from you. He never loved you, he just loved the idea for easy land. You shouldn't have been so naive.

Y-you're right...he never cared. He was always being a flirt back in the colonial days until Hamilton and Eliza fought. He was doing it again now...Esme let's go home. I'm going to need to file divorce papers...

You need time to recover Mar. You've basically been killed emotionally.

Y-you're right...t-take over for me....


"Tell America to send the divorce papers. I'm heading home..." Esme said in my voice. My eye color probably changed, but I didn't care. I wanted to go home... "And also, tell the others that I won't be attending meetings for a long while. I'm sure The United States of America would be very happy to hear that." I started to walk out when someone held me back.

"Maria, don't go through with this. You and America can fix your marriage." It was Spain.

"You can't fix what was already broken. It's about time both of us realize this." Esme stated coldly. "Now let go. I've had a rough day, and I am not afraid to use violence if needed."

Esmeralda's Pov

Spain reluctantly let go, leaving me to grab the luggage and leaving to the airport. I am not going to fail this again. I had my chance the first time, and I let myself have a weak spot. This time, I will not lose the Empire.

How ya holding up Mar? still hurts.....

It's gonna keep hurting. Just relax, and take the time you need.



Help me prove them wrong. Keep me alive ok?

Of course kid. Now sleep, I've heard it helps.

I-if you have everything handled, then I will. Night Esme.

Night kid... I waited a while before I no longer heard her. I chuckled of myself.

"If you only knew how easy that would soon be..." I boarded the plane, relaxing once we took off. I've been in and out of this world and My own. Surprisingly, both worlds are extremely similar, with different outcomes as we are different people. Within the 2p world, I was able to create an empire in the Western Hemisphere, taking over every country, even America. Allen never saw it coming. However, Once I got to Europe, my Empire fell. If it wasn't for that moment of sympathy, that hesitation in knocking out Luciano I would have conquered it all. It all would have been mine! Mine!! MINE!! I've seen the signs, it's going to happen here soon. It will, and I will make sure that this time I do not fail. That both of us will never suffer humiliation again...That this time, we will be stable...

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