but you still sought help

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Maria's Pov

"Jalisco, Sur, its time to wake up! C'mon girls I made your favorites!! " I knocked on the doors. Strange, they never take this long to wake up. "Sur?! Jalisco?!" I opened the door, to see the girls gone. O-oh no... "JALISCO?! SUR?! GIRLS COME OUT THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" I looked around for my girls in the whole manor, only to find nothing. I asked the servants if they have seen them but nobody except one maid has seen them all day. I immediately started to panic.

Esme, I can't find my girls!! What if they got kidnapped, or where killed, or worse?!!

Maria relax, I'm sure there's a good explanation to this

Like what? They never disappear, and they always tell me where they're going! Oh god, my girls... I curled up into a ball, holding my head and trying not to let the tears fall.

Mari you idiot relax!!! They're not dead!

I hope not!! My sweet angels, I'll die without them!

Trust me they're not Now breath in and out, in and out. I did what she said, slowly relaxing and standing up.

Who cares if they're gone? They're just brats anyways. They'll just get in the way of world domination!!

Esme that was a bit harsh

I d-

"Miss Mexico? Your boss would like to see you" I looked over to see the maid from earlier.

"Thank you..." I headed over to my boss, hiding my worry for my kids as of now. I quickly entered his office, where I was met with his cold brown eyes.

"You called sir?"

"Yes. It seems that two personifications are missing, am I wrong?"

"N-no sir."

"Well, security caught footage of those two, hesitating to go into a plane when someone pulled them in by force."

"They were kidnapped, by a blonde man with blues eyes..." no....he wouldn't....I trusted him and he kidnapped my children!!

See? No one trusts you. Why should you trust them? They all abandoned you...

"I am aware who kidnapped them sir, and I will bring them back."

"Of course. I would expect no less of my country. Dismissed." I left the office.

Aww, don't tell me you're gonna cry. Suck it up. Instead of crying plan revenge. A plot to get back at Alfred. It would be a shame if there was a repeat of Pearl Harbor

"Pearl Harbor?... But that's just evil-"

Exactly my point Mari.

I'm not sure if you noticed you little fucktard, but if we do that we have to prepare to fight America AND WE STILL HAVEN'T CONQUERED THE SOUTHERN AMERICAN NATIONS!! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU ANYWAYS!?!

Name's Isabel. I would say it's a pleasure, but I save formalities for my allies. Not some blonde tanned bitch

Oh, you're asking for it now bitch!!

"Guys stop please...my head hurts a lot..."

Naturally. You're still experiencing surges of power. It's only a matter of time Mari until we have an empire! Anyone who stands in our way will only crumble!

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