Don't forget sliiiiiight detours

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Once again we had to go to another world meeting. I still feel a bit uncomfortable there, but it's ok as long as no one starts again. Apparently, there was an argument going on between England and France again. I tried to pay no mind until England had pulled out his wand. Immediately Norway, Romania and I started telling England to put the wand down. Of course, didn't listen.



"WAIT ENGLAND DON-" England quickly cast a spell, aiming it at France. Instead, it hit a wall and opened up a portal, which started to suck up what it could.


"SHIT SHIT SHIT ALFIE, HUMA!!!"I was trying not to get sucked into the fucking portal, but how could I WHEN FRANCE HAD FUCKING STOOD NEAR ME MAKING ME NEAR THE CENTER OF THE DAMN THING!!

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Alfred came running with Humaima as they tried to pull me to safety. They started to lose their footing. "Hold on we almost got you!!" And just when he said that his foot slipped and then all three of us were sucked into the portal.

Esmeralda's Pov

Damn bitches. I tried to move my hands, but like always they were chained down. just like my legs. Remember that world war we had? Yeah, apparently I was 'too dangerous' so the bastards decided to lock me up. Let's just say they put me into a hole, and threw away that hole. In Alcatraz.

"Wakey wakey bitch. Time for dinner." I heard one of the security guards say.

"Oh, I'm so hurt. Why don't come here and make me feel better~."

"There should be a link sausage in there use that."

"It's not the saaame. C'mon, don't you want to punish me~? Tell me how naughty I've been~?"

"No." He slammed the door and locked me in. What a joke! I need someone weaker minded. But unfortunately, that's not until tomorrow. What a pity. I was about to eat whatever they probably laced with poison when I heard the cell door open.

"Changed your mind I see~?" I purred.

"Change my mind? Well, I would be a poor papa." wait is that-

"Luci?!"I tried pulling on the chains to go and hug him, but dammit I don't have super strength like Allen.

"That's right! It's me pumpkin."

"Daddy! I missed you!! They've kept me in here caged like an animal" I whined, pulling the chains again.

"My poor baby...How can daddy make it better?"

"Can you break me out~? I want to please you daddy~!"

"Oh, I'll break you out regardless and you will please me on the way home~" I squealed.

"Kinky like always daddy~!" he unlocked the chains, as I stretched, cracking some bones. "God that feels good." Suddenly the alarm sounded, signifying that they knew. "Do you have an extra weapon?!"

"Use the one on the guard!" I ran out, knocking out a guard and taking their gun I then shot another and grabbed his.

"I AM BAAAAAACK~!" I laughed, shooting down anyone that crossed my road. Oh, how I missed killing!!! I quickly snipped 3 in a row, laughing some more. My sweet Luci cheered for me every kill I got. I couldn't be happier! "Lead the way Luci dear~!" He grinned and casually walked out. I followed right behind him, as he opened the car door for me. I smiled as he got in the car with me. Let's just say the next few hours were a blast.

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