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i'm sitting on the edge of my bed, my face in my hands. it's my birthday and i'm spending it alone. i baked a cake, because i'm not me without some cake, but other than that i have nothing to do, nobody to invite to my 'party' and... yeah, basically i'm alone.

i stand up and go over to the kitchen, where my cake is waiting for me on the table. i pick up my phone: it's only 11 am. i still have taehyung's photo as my wallpaper. no, i cannot get over it, but i know that it was me who fucked it up.

i sit down and cut myself a piece of cake. my last birthday i spent with taehyung, but on september the 2nd he called me saying he had seen my pic on tv again and that he couldn't do it anymore. he was crying by the time he hung up, and so was i, but we both knew it was the right thing to do.

the cake tastes good, but taehyung's lips tasted better. i still remember the soft vanilla scent and the sweet taste of toothpaste. why am i thinking about him this whole morning?

taehyung was that little ray of sunshine in my life, and even though he's two years older, i always felt like the strong and protective one, probably because i was that muscle pig boyfriend with a gun in my back pocket. that gun was also the reason taehyung left me.

i should stop thinking about him, or it's going to kill me.

i feel like texting him or calling him, but i'm just lacking the courage to do that. i'm scared he won't pick up, or that he'll reject me again, which he totally has a right to do, or that he'll cry and hang up - i hate hearing him cry, it makes my heart break. and maybe i just deserve to be lonely on my 22nd birthday, maybe i don't deserve taehyung at all. i probably don't. he's too good for me, too holy, too precious, too fragile. i used to be so afraid of hurting him, breaking him, so i should just stay away.

i finish my second piece of cake and head back to my room. i lie back down again and turn some music on. the best i can do is do nothing at all.

i'm laying there for about twenty minutes already, when i suddenly hear a knock on my front door. it's so quiet and soft that i wonder how

i even managed to hear it through the music. i pause the song that was playing and get up, frowning. why do i have such a bad feeling about this? and why did i suddenly remember taehyung again? after all, that knock was so timid and shy...

i shake my thoughts off and rush towards the door to open it.

my jaw drops as soon as i do.


he's even prettier than i remember him. his hair is now blonde and he has a new haircut too. although he seems thinner, like he hasn't been eating well. and there's blood on his pale face, which makes my heart skip a beat with worry. what could've possibly happened?

"what have you done again, jungkook?" he asks. it's barely a whisper, his voice so weak and his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"what do you mean, tae? i haven't been involved in anything since the last time i met you."

i take his hands in mine for reassurance. his long thin fingers are cold as ice. but most importantly, he's shaking. that's not a good sign.

"taehyung, is everything alright?" i know it's not, but i have to ask. "your hands are shaking." and not only his hands. his whole body. he's having quite a bad seizure.

"i..." he begins, but then shakes his head and lowers his gaze. "happy birthday, jungkook."

with that a hand holding a gun suddenly appears from behind the wall, and that gun is pointed at taehyung's temple.

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