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my jaw drops as soon as i hear jungkook's words.

his dad... is a policeman? how did this happen?!

i start to wiggle nervously in his arms, trying to see the man he called his father, and notice the same cop who took me in along with jimin.

he's pointing a gun at us. i start to freak out.

"jungkook," i whisper, because that's the only thing i'm able to do in my current state.

"it's okay," he replies, glancing down at me. "he's not gonna shoot." he looks back up again then. "put it down dad, taehyung is afraid of guns, as he already told you."

i see the man reluctantly doing as jungkook says - but not because he says so, but because the whole room is staring at the scene.

"minho-hyung, why... why is he calling you 'dad'?" i hear jimin's puzzled voice from behind me.

"because he is my son, jimin," the man retorts. yes, minho was his name. how could i forget that jungkook's father had the same one?

i look at minho again, and back at jungkook. i can't see clearly, but there are some very similar features in their faces. i'm so shook. i still can't believe it's jungkook's dad who dragged me here, it's him who is a cop while his son's a criminal. and it seems like nobody can.

the silent 6th floor suddenly bursts into loud talking and i press my face to jungkook's chest because it makes my head throb.

"can we leave here?" i demand.

"that wouldn't be such a bad idea," yoongi agrees. the friend jungkook was talking about followed him even to the police station. that's what loyalty means.

"we can continue the conversation in my office," minho mutters. "only i don't want anyone present except for me and jungkook."

my heart picks up it's pace as i realise what he's saying.

"no, no, no!" i say a bit louder, shaking my head vigorously. "you promised you won't leave me alone!"
"shh, taehyung, calm down! i'm not leaving anyone." he turns to his father and says, "if you wanna say something to me, you can as well say it to him. i won't risk his life anymore."

thank god. i'm even more relieved than when he came here. but that's too much emotion for my heart for the day. 

i suddenly feel a painful pang in my chest and instinctively put a hand to my heart, a gasp escaping my lips.

"tae? what's wrong? taehyung?"

i cannot answer, the only thing i can do is groan. the pain grows bigger and i start feeling dizzy, the room swaying around me. everything's blurry before my eyes.

"somebody call the ambulance!" i hear a shout probably coming from yoongi. jungkook is shaking me by the shoulders, trying to figure out what happened, but it only makes me groan louder.

"jung... kook..." i manage to say.

jungkook is screaming my name. someone yanks him away from me, but i don't see who, somebody else is shouting, but i don't know what. the last thing i see before losing consciousness for the second time in my life is jungkook's tear-streaked face above me.

and then everything goes black.

he was a bad guy | vkookWhere stories live. Discover now