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shit. he left.

he hasn't left the flat yet, but he left the room, and i feel lonely already. lonely and scared. i don't know how i'm gonna make it through the day without him.

why couldn't i just say that i'm afraid? why couldn't he just listen? i'm sure he'd understand, but it's too late now. he made his decision.

in a couple of minutes jungkook brings me a cup of hot black tea, and i thank him quietly before grabbing the cup from his hands and taking a huge sip. of course i burn my tongue. it's me, i always hurt myself.

the pain is so sudden that i let the cup fall out of my hands, and the tea spills all over the bed.

"shit!" i curse, because the hot beverage is now burning my legs and arms.

"god, taehyung." he quickly catches the cup before it can fall to the floor and takes the hot wet blanket off of me. "are you alright? the tea was so hot."

i nod. "fine, just-" i point at my clothes. my pants and shirt are soaking wet.

"sure. you can wear my hoodie. remember, that red one? it was your favorite."

i nod and smile a little. of course i remember. i take off my shirt and put on the red hoodie he's handing me. it feels so soft and comfy on my body, bringing back some old memories. and it smells of jungkook.

"thanks," i mutter.

"it's nothing. here are some jeans." he takes two pairs of jeans out of his wardrobe, one black and the other blue. "you can try them on, but they'll probably be too big. you're so skinny."

"i know," i sigh. "it's just... sometimes i don't feel like going shopping and-" i trail off, but jungkook gets the point.

"i can bring you something to eat. i have ramen and sushi."

"i... yes, please."

"okay. try them on while i'm away." he points at the jeans and exits the room once again.

why am i always so much trouble?

i sigh and reach for the black pair. it's not easy to put them on, because i'm trembling like a scared bunny, but i finally manage to zip the fly. jungkook was right - they're a bit too big for me, but when i fix them with a black leather belt from the other pair, they fit just fine.

"looks good on you."

i look up to see him looking at me. why does he have that loving expression on his face?

"thanks," i mutter again.

jungkook comes closer and puts two plates onto the nightstand. then he takes my wet clothes and hangs them onto a chair that was standing in the corner of the room.

"they should be dry by tomorrow."

i nod and take the sushi plate. it's warm and tasty. i haven't had sushi in a lifetime.

"so you're good?"

i really wanna say no. i'm so not good. i'm a clumsy trembling mess. don't leave me jungkook.


"okay. then i'll go meet up with my friend. i'll come home soon, i promise."


and that's it. he just leaves. he doesn't even kiss me goodbye.

oh, i forgot that we weren't dating anymore. why does it seem so much like the old days?

he was a bad guy | vkookWhere stories live. Discover now