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"fuck, fuck, fuck!" i curse under my breath.

"keep quiet, or they're gonna find out that you're on the phone with him!" yoongi whisper-screams beside me.

"how could i let this happen, yoongi? how could i let this happen?!"

"you made a mistake, everybody does! just shut up and drive!"

"i make too many mistakes and taehyung always gets hurt as a result!" i pout, brushing my tears away. i mustn't cry right now. i must stay strong for him.

"the ones who love you the most hurt you the most," yoongi mutters, looking out the window. what has he got on his mind?

"what do you mean? has somebody hurt you?" i ask suspiciously.

"what? no, i was talking about you! shut up and drive, kook!" he repeats, punching me on the arm. i nod and push the pedal harder.

we get to the police station in less than an hour. i spring out of the car, slamming the door behind me, and storm inside the building. yoongi's yelling something at me from behind but i don't listen. the only thing i care about right now is getting taehyung out of there.

there is a little 'reception' area in the hall. a girl not more than my age is rustling in her drawers behind the desk. i storm past her to the elevator. i heard that they were taking tae to the 6th floor.

"jung... wait for me, asshole!" yoongi shouts, grabbing my arm. we get inside the elevator and i push the right button at least five times before the doors finally close and we begin sliding upwards.

"they didn't have any right!" i mutter. i'm so angry, both at myself and the cops.

"jungkook, what are you even going to do when-" he trails off as the elevator stops. a short dark-haired guy is standing on the other side of the opened doors.

he drops the file he was holding and stares at us.

at first i think it's because he recognized me, but no, his gaze is pointed towards yoongi. i turn to look at my friend, but his eyes are lowered. what is going on here?
"i'm sorry, but who are you?" i demand. the fierceness in my voice seems to make the young cop shudder.

he's just like taehyung when he first saw me.

"i... my name's park jimin, but you're not the one to ask questions!" he replies, trying to sound confident but failing.

"whatever, just step away."

"are you looking for kim taehyung?"

my hand reaches for his collar. "what do you know?! where is he?!"

"jungkook, calm the fuck down!" yoongi hisses, yanking my hands away from jimin's neck. "he's a goddamn cop!"

"oh yeah? something tells me he's more than that!" i retort. "but i don't care if he's the president. he's gonna tell me where tae is and he's gonna let him go!"
"okay, okay!" jimin holds up his hands, then bends down to pick up the file. "follow me."

i throw a surprised glance at yoongi but follow right on jimin's heel as he turns around and leads the way.

the 6th floor is full of people, unlike the little hall with the 'reception desk'. they're working on their computers, drinking coffee or having friendly business chats between themselves. fortunately, nobody seems to notice the three of us, making our way to the tiny barred corner in the end of the room. i can already see taehyung leaning on the wall behind bars.

"what excuse did you make up to take him in?" i wonder aloud.

"minho figured he was your friend," jimin explains. he looks around to check for any curious glances and unlocks the door with a key card. i immediately run in, not even caring if anyone sees.

tae is sitting there, his back to the wall, his eyes closed, his lips barely moving as he breathes unsteadily in and out. his face is still pale and bloody. i should've treated to his wounds, i shouldn't have left him alone, i shouldn't...

i rush towards him, capturing him in a tight embrace.

"tae, baby, it's okay, i'm here!"

he shudders when he feels my arms around him, but as he hears my voice he immediately opens his eyes and sighs with relief.

"jungkook," he whispers. i can barely hear him. he's shaking worse than before.

"i'm so sorry for leaving you alone, taehyung, i promise i'll never do this again, okay? come here, love," i pick him up and carry him out of the 'cage'.

"shit, jungkook," yoongi curses as he sees the state tae's in. "what did he do to him?"

i shake my head, indicating that i don't wanna talk about it.

"so he really was telling the truth?" jimin whispers in bewilderment. "you saved him?"

i snort. "maybe this once i did, but i'm only the cause of all his problems."

taehyung pinches my arm.

"no, you're not," he says weakly, making me smile a little.

"anyway, he was getting better! and now he's shaking all over again! it's all your fault!" i spit at jimin.

tae shakes his head. "no, jungkook, he tried to help."

"you should rest for now tae, i'll deal with this," i say sweetly, kissing his forehead. then i look up at jimin. "if you helped him then, can you help us now?"

"you're putting him in danger, kook," yoongi hisses at me from behind. i almost forgot he was there.

"since when do you care about cops, yoongi?"

"i don't... he helped taehyung, you asshole! you should at least thank him!"

"yeah, well, trying to help doesn't mean helping! tae is still on the verge of death, yoongi!" i retort.

"don't say that!" jimin hits me on the arm and my eyes get wide with surprise. "he needs to be hospitalized, and he will be alright!"

"yes, but will you be alright, jimin?"

that voice. fuck. why did it have to be him?

of course, jimin said something about a minho. but why did it have to be that minho?

i turn around to see a tall man standing before me, a gun pointed straight at me. and the whole 6th floor is staring at us as well.

shit, i dreaded this moment my whole life. but now i have to face it.

i smirk and make myself say, "well, hello, daddy."

he was a bad guy | vkookWhere stories live. Discover now