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when i exit the flat, i can't help but feel bad for leaving taehyung alone. he looked so scared when i said i couldn't take him, and even though i know nothing can possibly happen to him while he's at my place - i made quite sure nobody knew where the wanted jeon jungkook was living - i still had a bad feeling about this. i mean, he's so helpless. he can't even stand. what if he needs to go to the toilet or he's hungry, or what if the seizure gets even worse? as these horrible thoughts torment my brain, i make myself walk faster and soon i'm out in fresh air.

my car is parked outside the house, in front of the door. it's not new, but it's a sports car, so it drives fast. i can get there within an hour. though i wish i could get there faster.

i start the car up and drive out, dialling yoongi's number at the same time.


i haven't heard his voice in ages.

"yoongi? this is jungkook."

a pause. the silence is ringing in my ears.

"jungkook," he repeats after me. "i thought-"

"i know."

he must've thought i was dead. i haven't called him since before that accident.

"how did you get out of there alive?" he asks. he sounds nonchalant as always, but i know he's surprised, relieved, angry and happy at the same time.

"i... it's hard to explain, but that's not why i called."

red light turns to green and i push the pedal down.

"why then?"

"i'm in trouble. or rather taehyung's in trouble because of me."

"taehyung? i thought you weren't dating anymore."

"we aren't," i say with a sigh, feeling a pang in my heart. "it's just... he came to me today, a gun at his temple and... i just need your help, okay? i'll explain when i get to you. i'm on my way."

"you're what?" he chuckles. "you didn't change, jungkook. no thought, only action." he pauses. "how do you even know where you can find me?"

i huff. "is that even a question? 'sweet sugar' cafe."

"right. you know me too well. see you there then."

"see you there."

i hang up and put the phone back in my pocket.

an hour goes by, and i'm standing before the cafe. i wonder how i even still remembered how to get there. the building didn't change: white walls, covered in graffiti, debris littering the yard, the faded name on a huge picture of a sugar cube - but most importantly, the 'closed' sign on the glass door. it's always closed, but open.

i lock the car and push the door. it opens easily. inside it's all the same, only with more layers of dust. and there's yoongi sitting on one of the sugary-white tables, his arms crossed over his chest.

"long time no see," he says. i smile and come closer.

there's a moment of silence between us, but then we go in for the friendliest hug. and here i am, meeting the second person i missed so much on my 22nd birthday.

and i thought i was going to spend it alone.

"so how are things?" yoongi asks me.

we're now both sitting at that same table, a glass of beer in each of our hands.

"things? well, i left those things. crime, to be exact."

"i knew it would happen sooner or later. you did it because of taehyung, didn't you?

i nod.

"but wait." his brows furrow in confusion. "if you left it, then how come somebody's threatening you again?"

"that's the thing: i don't know. the guy said i stole money from him, but i didn't! i don't even know the sum he was talking about, i don't know who he is, where to find him. he told me to bring the money back in 24 hours, or taehyung will die."

yoongi nods, still frowning. he too acknowledges that i'm in deep shit.

"how is he, by the way?"


he chuckles. "taehyung, who else!"

i scratch my forehead and sigh.

"he got worse, yoongi. that son of a bitch beat him up, and he was still shaking all over when i left. he couldn't even sit. and i'm guessing he doesn't eat well, because he's gotten thinner."

"i told you, you shouldn't have left him. people like him need constant care."

"he deserves better than me, yoongi."

"he deserves someone. he shouldn't be alone for too long. even now."

i feel goosebumps down my back. maybe i really should've taken him?

"but he's in danger with me," i point out.

yoongi sighs, shaking his head. "he's in more danger without you, stupid."

and as if to prove his words, my phone starts ringing.

it's taehyung who's calling me.

he was a bad guy | vkookWhere stories live. Discover now