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as much as i was against it, i had to leave taehyung in the hospital as i drove to the police station with hoseok and yoongi - and, of course, the handcuffed criminal. tae's father is also there. i think they're gonna take him in along with his theft's 'victim'.

"so i found the wrong jeon jungkook?" donghee says, breaking the silence in the police car. his smirk is still on his crooked face. "but the bait worked for both of them? what do you know, i must be a genius!" he starts to laugh, which sounds more like coughing, and i barely keep myself from punching him in the face.

"and what's more, i found the jeon jungkook cops weren't able to find for years!" he adds, looking at me sideways. i scoff and turn towards the window.

"somebody shut him up or i'm not answering for my actions," i mutter.

"you'd better keep quiet: anything you say can be used against you," hoseok warns him, though it's barely any help.

"i know i'll be locked up for life, so i can say whatever i want. it won't make any difference."

"and how about... me?" kim heechul suddenly speaks up, snapping out of his daze.

well, i would say you deserve worse than him, but i probably shouldn't.

"you're a blackhat and a thief," yoongi says with disdain, "what do you expect?"

heechul glares at him with hate. "let me remind you, young man, that the both of you are no better."

shit, he's right.

i don't wanna admit it, but both yoongi and i have a long criminal record behind our backs. i don't think we'll walk out of it so easily.

we spend the rest of the way in silence, each thinking about their own matters.

when we get out of the car and both shin donghee and taehyung's dad are taken away, i poke yoongi with an elbow and beckon him to me.

"what?" he whispers, his expression surprised.

"as much as i don't like the way it sounds, heechul is right," i say quietly. "we both have done a lot of things that can easily get us in jail. what are we gonna do about it?"
he sighs and throws a quick glance at the building behind him. it was only yesterday that i met my dad there. i try not to think about it.

"what can we do? we cannot run, not now, and you know that. we're at their disposal. the only thing for us to do is beg for mercy," he says with a bitter chuckle.

"i know," i sigh and scratch my forehead. "but there... there has to be another way. there always is!"

"jungkook, you're not that stupid. if they... if... you'll just have to accept it, and that's all. now, come on in."

he turns to go, but i grab his arm. "how about jimin? can't he help somehow?"

"jimin is not a magician, kook, he's only an officer. he can do nothing. but if you're worried about taehyung, i'm sure he'll help him through while you... you know, while you're away."

i so don't want his words to be true, but i know he's right - i've always known. i knew the risk i was taking when i entered this building for the first time to get taehyung out, and so did he, but we both did it for the ones we loved. so instead of grasping onto straws, i nod and follow him inside.

"there you are! i have wonderful news for you two!"
hoseok is wearing a smile wider than those i have seen on his face before, which i thought impossible. this guy is a smiling expert.

"i just found out that you were freed of all charge for all your help to our police department!" he announces cheerfully, and my heart skips a beat. this can't be true. "you saved an officer's life and helped to catch two criminals, so we figured it's more than enough to set you free. you're welcome, and thank you again!"

i can't believe my ears. is this really happening?

"are you joking right now?" i ask suspiciously.

hoseok bursts into laughter so loud it makes me squint.

"of course not!" he says finally. "you're free to go, you just have to fill in a couple of papers that oblige you to stay out of any criminal activity, but this doesn't take long. come, i'll show you what to do!"

i exchange a glance with yoongi, whose mouth is wide open from surprise.

"who's stupid now?" i ask, smiling, and pull the paralyzed yoongi with me as i follow hoseok to the elevator.

and in a little more than 15 minutes i'm an official citizen of seoul, a free man and the happiest person on earth.

one month later

"namjoon, take off this stupid mask, there's no one inside except for the five of them!"

the five of us watch as the famous rap monster gets scolded by dr. kim seokjin. tae is sitting on my lap, trying hard not to laugh, while yoongi, jimin and hoseok are hiding their smiles behind their hands on the opposite side of the table.

"alright, alright, jinnie, just don't shout - someone might hear!" namjoon whispers to his husband, scanning the empty street before he shuts the door and takes the mask off.

"don't worry, we have soundproof walls!" yoongi reassures him, earning a punch from the laughing jimin.

"don't listen to him!" he tells the confused rap star. "just sit down already, we're hungry!"
"right, sorry," namjoon mutters and goes over to our table, turning a chair over on his way and making jimin laugh even harder.

"i didn't think k-pop stars could be so clumsy," i say jokingly. namjoon only rolls his eyes.

"so what are we here to celebrate?"

"you don't know?" taehyung asks, surprised.

"well, it's actually two things," yoongi explains. "first, we're finally opening this cafe together with chimchim. and second-"

"we're moving in together with taehyung," i finish for him, a proud smile on my face.

"huh. sounds like a great occasion. i'm happy to be here either way."
he's happy? well, then i don't even know how to describe my feelings.

it was just a month ago that taehyung came to my flat with a bleeding nose and shaking hands after we spent a year apart, and now that he's fully recovered we're finally moving in together, to live our lives as official boyfriend and... boyfriend. there couldn't be a better place to celebrate this than yoongi's cafe, which symbolizes the end of our criminal past and the beginning of our beautiful future; there couldn't be better people to celebrate it with than the ones that helped us get here.

"anyway, why did you decide to call your cafe 'suga mochi'?" jin wonders, pouring wine into his glass.

yoongi looks sideways at jimin as he replies: "because mochi is our main dish. and, well... and because one of us is as soft and squishy as mochi, but i'm not calling names."

jimin blushes bright pink and punches him again, even though a smile lights up his face. dr. kim chuckles and turns to namjoon.

"see?" he says. "that's how you treat your boyfriend."

"you're not my boyfriend, you're my husband," the other points out. "and anyway, i'm sure yoongi can't buy him a pink porsche."

"whatever." jin rolls his eyes. "but why 'suga'?" he asks yoongi again.

"this place had been called 'sweet suga' long before we found it," i answer for him. "it used to be our hiding place, but when i found myself a flat, yoongi stayed here alone." i miss out the part where yoongi thought i was dead.

"that's interesting."

"guess suga has to be your nickname, if mochi is mine," jimin says, smiling.

"i said i wasn't calling names!" yoongi protests.

"but it was quite obvious that-"

"okay, whatever you want. call me suga from now on."

we all burst into laughter.

"i say we drink to that!" taehyung exclaims, raising his glass. we repeat after him and say a loud 'cheers!' before clinking our glasses together.

this adventure couldn't have had a better ending.

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