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i'm still half dreaming when i feel that dull ache in my chest. this can't compare to what i was feeling before, but it's enough to fully wake me up. i clench and unclench my fists, sensing the strength flow through my veins, and i'm ready to open my eyes, when i suddenly hear two voices talking right beside me.

it's yoongi and jimin.

i decide to pretend that i'm sleeping and listen to the conversation.

"look, i'm sorry for not letting you know he was alive," jimin whispers in an apologetic tone, "but for all i knew, you could already be aware of that, and i didn't want to put either of us in danger!"

yoongi sighs. "i know. and i'm sorry for getting mad at you about this. i was just too shocked to think straight."

jimin laughs softly. it's such a kind and pure laugh - the kind that makes people fall for you. has yoongi fallen for this same laugh?

"you look so cute when you are happy," he points out, making jimin laugh harder and probably punch him jokingly, because i hear an 'ouch'. "but keep quiet or we'll wake him up."

well, by 'him' they probably mean me.

jimin stops laughing. "you're right," he says more seriously. "taehyung needs rest. he's been through a lot, and it's partly my fault."

no, it's not! stop being so sweet, you're a cop!

"hey, don't blame yourself, chimchim."

um, okay. is there seriously any more doubt about these two being a couple?

"no, but seriously. what is he... ill with?" jimin wonders even more quietly.

"i don't know for sure, but it's something with his heart. i think his whole family has it."

wow, he knows a lot about me. how close are jungkook and yoongi again? they sound more like soulmates.

"wow, that's... horrible," jimin concludes.

yeah, that's exactly how it is.

"anyway, when are you going to tell jungkook about... about us?"

so they are dating!

wait, he said jungkook. where is he? he can't be in the room if they're talking about him.

my heart picks up its pace as i open my eyes and sit up, which makes me feel dizzy. the room falls silent. jimin and yoongi, who are both seating on chairs next to my bed, stare at me as if i'm a living dead, and maybe i look like it, but it's really not the thing i care about right now.

what i do care about, though, is the fact that jungkook really isn't present in the room with us.

"where is he?" i demand, my voice sounding loud and clear for the first time.

as my heart bangs onto the inside of my chest, something starts beeping and it makes jimin fall out of his daze. he jumps up immediately to check something on the hospital computer and his eyes widen in shock.

"yoongi! get dr. kim and i'll try to calm him down!" he commands. yoongi rushes out the door, while jimin turns towards me. "taehyung, please don't worry, jungkook will get here as soon as he can, but right now he must talk to his father-"

"he promised not to leave me alone!" i cry out. i don't know why i'm panicking, but it seems that i can't live a day without him. how i managed to live through this year is a mystery to me.

"but... but you're not alone! this place is full of people who are trained to help you! and you have yoongi and me as well!"

"i barely even know you!" i point out, though i feel like i know more than i should. "where is jungkook?"
"taehyung, please! he's still at the police station, he-"

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