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jimin's gaze shifts immediately to taehyung's father.

"is he shin donghee?" he asks, a puzzled expression on his face.

"no, jimin, he's jeon jungkook," tae says through gritted teeth, staring at his dad with hatred. i can tell he's fuming and hurting at the same time.

"what do you mean?" jimin asks, even more confused.

"long story short, he's the cause of all this," i explain, though it tells him nothing, "and he's gonna help us find the son of a bitch who did this to us."

jimin looks at heechul, still frowning, then at me, then back at heechul. suddenly his eyes widen in shock as he grasps the situation.

"wait, so he's the jeon jungkook who stole that man's money?"


"but how... isn't it too much of a coincidence that both jungkooks had a taehyung... the same taehyung to worry about?" he turns to tae. "what's his relation to you?"

"his real name is kim heechul," tae explains, still staring at his dad, "and he's my father."

too many surprises for jimin. his jaw hits the floor so hard, poor thing.

"the same father that... oh my god."

"exactly, but we don't have time for this!" i say, and everybody nods in agreement. i turn to heechul. "you're gonna help us find him, or you're dead."

"but what's more important," yoongi adds, "is to find him before he finds us."

he was a bad guy | vkookWhere stories live. Discover now