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taehyung falls asleep quite quickly. he must be so exhausted after everything that happened, and i can't help but admit that i feel tired too. but i'm not done yet - i won't be till i avenge my father.

yoongi and i sit on the last bed, listening to tae and jimin snore peacefully in their dreamless sleep. it's almost 5 pm - the day's going by as if on time lapse.

yoongi's telling me something about dr. kim and how he found out that his husband's a famous rapper, but i don't really listen, nodding my head occasionally to make sure he thinks i do. but as i said, we know each other too well, and soon i notice that he's not talking anymore and look up at him.

"why did you stop?"

he chuckles. "so you really weren't listening. the story ended."

my cheeks redden with shame.

"i'm sorry, i was just... thinking."

"what were you thinking about?" he asks curiously. "are you still worried about taehyung?"

"i'm always worried about him. but that's not what i was thinking."

"then what?"

"okay, i was thinking about junghyun," i admit.

he frowns in confusion. "who?"

i roll my eyes. yoongi's getting old. "my brother."

"and what about him?"

"well, he's dead," i say quietly.

"i know that much."

"taehyung didn't, though. i just told him today. and when he said 'hey, you have your brother!', i was like: do i? i don't know, for some reason i... forgot. i doubted his death. i know it's stupid, but it's this strange feeling i have-"

"i don't know if it means something," yoongi says, interrupting me, "but when i thought you were dead, i sometimes experienced this strange feeling too - i felt like you were alive, and what do you know? you really were. i know i could never be sure that you died, but you staying alive was a miracle. you too can't be sure. you never saw his body or anything."

his words are really thought-provoking, but thinking about the brother i lost so long ago isn't really pleasant, so i shake my hopes off. but before i can say anything, a knock comes on the door, and i rush to open it, thinking that dr. kim came to check on his patients.

but there's no dr. kim behind the door. instead there is a tall smiling guy in police uniform, who looks at me with friendliness in his eyes.

wait, a cop looking at me with friendliness?

something's wrong here.

"and who are you?" i ask suspiciously, folding my arms on my chest.

"i'm jimin's friend, jung hoseok!" he says loudly, smiling even wider. he holds out a hand and i shake it hesitantly. "i came here to see him."

"oh, hoseok?" comes yoongi's voice from behind me. i step away so that he can see him better. "jimin told me you would come. but don't speak too loudly, because they're sleeping now."

hoseok nods and whispers, "okay", before entering the room and shutting the door behind him with a loud bang. i exchange a glance with yoongi, and we both can't help but giggle. everything about this guy is loud.

"so how is he doing?" hoseok whispers to us, looking at his snoring friend.

"he was shot, but dr. kim removed the bullet and sutured the wound," yoongi explains. "now he's feeling better, but he still needs rest."

"i see. jiminie is strong, he'll get better very soon," hoseok says, giggling.

"why is he calling him jiminie?" yoongi mutters to himself, sounding more jealous than i've ever heard him, which makes me chuckle.

"excuse me?"

"no, it's nothing," he quickly says, putting on a smile.

"okay. but what happened to... jeon jungkook's friend?" he asks.

"taehyung. he was stabbed, but i think he should also get better soon."

"stabbed?" comes a voice from behind us, making all three of us turn around.

how come i didn't hear the door open?

the man before me looks suspicious for some reason, so i quickly grab him by the collar, pinning him to the wall and shocking him to death.

"who are you?" i ask quietly but dangerously. "are you one of them?"

"them?" he repeats, frowning.

"who the fuck are you?"

"okay, okay, i'm... jeon jungkook!" he quickly says, making yoongi snort behind my back.

"man, are you really that stupid?" he wonders, chuckling.

"don't bullshit me!" i warn him. "the more you lie, the worse it is for you!"

"but i'm not lying!" he whisper-screams, confusion and fear on his face. "my name is-"

"no, my name is jeon jungkook, and you're a lying fucker and probably one of them!"

"one of whom?" he asks timidly.

"tell me the truth or i'll kill you in three, two-"

"fine, i'll tell you!" he shouts. "i'm kim heechul, taehyung's father!"

silence falls, and i stare at him as if lightning struck. i mean, he's handsome and tall and everything, but can he really be taehyung's dad?

"i swear, if you're lying to me-" i hiss at him, but a quiet voice interrupts me.


i let go of the man's collar and turn around. tae is standing by his bed, probably woken up by our loud bickering, and staring at kim heechul. he said he could recognize him from old photos - and he probably did already.

"tae, is he telling the truth?" i ask him just in case. "he's your father?"

his gaze shifts to me and he nods. and then he staggers, and i barely have time to catch him before he falls.

"hey, it's alright, i'm here," i whisper, putting him back on the bed. he nods again.

"i am just shocked."

and so am i.

"but even if he is your father," i say, turning to kim heechul, whom yoongi is holding by the shoulder just in case, "what is he doing here?"

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