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just as the last time, i wake up to the two familiar voices whispering in my room. it's dark and the electronic clock on my nightstand shows me that it's 1:24 am. for some time i listen to jimin and yoongi talking - basically about how much they missed each other - and finally decide to intrude.

"so are you guys dating?"

silence. it's as if they were caught making out by their parents. i almost laugh out loud.

then they both say 'no' in unison, and i actually laugh out loud.

"that's the funniest lie i've ever heard. you're definitely dating."

yoongi laughs uneasily. "but could you please... not tell jungkook before we tell him ourselves?"

i laugh even harder. "you think he hasn't noticed already? 'cause i bet he has."

silence falls again, and as i don't have anything more to say, i turn to the other side and soon fall asleep.

when i wake up in the morning, jimin is sitting on his bed, typing something on his phone, while yoongi is nowhere to be seen. the room is flooded with light, so i groan and pull the blanket over my head.

"why does it have to be so sunny?" i mutter.

"oh, the sleepy cat's awake!" jimin notes. "it's more than 11 am!"

11 am. what does that time remind me of?

"where's yoongi?" i ask him, still hiding under the covers.

"he's gone down to meet jungkook. he and his dad decided to take a bike ride to the hospital together."

"sounds fun," i say. the thought of jungkook makes me smile, and the thought of him cycling with his dad makes me smile even wider. i remember how he always used to talk about riding together with him when he was little.

i yawn and close my eyes. it's so peaceful and quiet it feels like yesterday didn't happen. but it did. and the loud bang the door makes as it opens reminds me of it.

i yank the blanket away and sit up abruptly. the man i see entering the room makes my heart pick up its pace, but he's wearing the same smirk as yesterday.

my mood couldn't get worse.

"jimin!" i yell. "it's him!"

but he barely even has time to process the information when the smirking man points his gun at him and shoots him in the shoulder. we both cry out at the same time - jimin from pain and me from fear - as jimin falls to the ground, holding a hand to his wound.

"jiminssi!" i shout. "somebody he-"

before i can finish the sentence, though, i get punched in the stomach again by the smirking man and get tied up by his friend who suddenly appears out of nowhere. this one doesn't have a smirk on, but his scarred face and the cold look in his dark eyes make me even more afraid of him.

when they make sure that i cannot move a muscle, the smirk's partner picks me up easily and throws me over his shoulder as if i'm a piece of furniture. by the time they decide to finally leave, my eyes are filled with tears from seeing jimin bleed out on the floor and i'm starting to tremble.

no, no, no, it can't be repeating itself again! please let jungkook be on the other side of the door already!

he isn't. why am i not surprised?

the smirking man and his friend set off quickly in the direction of the staircase. their quick pace turns into a run as they see people turning heads towards them, and soon we reach the end of the long corridor. but just before we turn the corner i catch a glimpse of jungkook smiling his bunny smile, making his way to my room.

jungkook, if you could just turn your head a bit to the left-

but he doesn't, because why would he? the universe seems to be against me.

and then we turn that fucking corner, and go down the stairs, and my heart is racing faster than the scarred man's feet, and i can barely breathe.

shit, it is repeating itself. 

he was a bad guy | vkookWhere stories live. Discover now