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okay, i'm not shocked. i'm shook. jungshook.

how... what... why...

wait. really, why did he call himself jeon jungkook?

"i wanted to warn him, but i see it's too late now."

"warn him about what?"

"i fucked up and put him in danger so-"

"god, can you just tell the whole story instead of saying one word a minute?" yoongi says, losing his patience.

"yeah, he's right. i'm not in the mood to wait, mr. heechul."

"i... i just-"

"why did you say you were jeon jungkook?" i ask quietly.

"good question," jungkook points out. "start talking, or you'll go straight to the police station. we have an officer right here." he points to a tall red-haired guy i haven't noticed before, and my father shudders. wait, who is he?

"okay, fine!" are these the only words he knows? "i'll tell you, just don't... don't... no police, okay?" he stammers. the stranger wearing police uniform raises an eyebrow with suspicion. "i'm a hacker and i work under the username jeon jungkook on blacknet. i made it up, basing it on the name of a movie character, but i don't think you... you're too young to know that movie. anyway, i was in desperate need of money, so i hacked the guy's bank account, his name was something like... donghee? yeah, shin donghee. anyway, he turned out to be some kind of mafia, and he started texting me, saying he'll find and kill taehyung. how he found out about you, i have no idea!" he explains, looking at me. "but i couldn't lose you... i mean, i know i lost you already, but i always fuck up and... i hope you forgive me."

after he ends his story, i'm even more shook. how dares he to even ask me for forgiveness?

"forgive you?" i repeat, laughing humorlessly. "are you insane? after all the pain you caused me, after... you're the reason for mother's death, you're the reason for his father's death," i point at jungkook, "you're the reason for his hurting shoulder," i point at jimin, "and for all of us being worried sick about our lives! how do you expect me to forgive you?!"

beep, beep, beep.

i feel jungkook's arms around me.

"hey, tae, calm down. it's alright. don't cry."

am i crying? well, i'm not surprised.

i put my head on his shoulder and inhale the air that smells of him. the beeping stops. jungkook is the best medicine.

my father looks even more shook than i am.

"she... died?" he asks weakly.

"of a heart attack. right after you left."

"but how... who looked after you all these years?"

"my grandma was so kind as to take care of me. she raised me. but she died as well, and i almost died because of you," i hiss. jungkook strokes my arm carefully.

"i... i didn't-"

but before he can say anything, a loud yawn comes from jimin, who's sitting up on his bed. i wonder how he managed to sleep through our yelling.

"what's happening here?" he asks, rubbing his eyes. then his gaze falls upon the red-haired policeman, and a huge smile lights up his face. "hoseokie-hyung!"

oh, so that's who he is. i could've connected the dots earlier: he's a policeman, jimin's a policeman, two policemen make two friends...

"why hoseokie?" yoongi mutters, irritated.

... and a jealous boyfriend.

"how are you feeling?" asks hoseok, his smile even wider than jimin's as if nothing has just happened.

"i'm better, thank you. it still aches, but not that much."

"i'm happy about it, because i was worried when i heard what happened. you got yourself a nice company," he says, laughing.

"yeah, i did." jimin throws a glance at yoongi, who's staring at the floor, his arms folded over his chest. "you don't have to worry about me, hobi-hyung. you should probably go back to work, because yoongi is getting quite jealous."

i barely manage to hold my laughter in. yoongi blushes bright red and clears his throat.

"i'm not... it's not-"

"no, i think hoseok should stay," jungkook interrupts his friend, smiling himself. "at least until we find out more about shin donghee."

he was a bad guy | vkookWhere stories live. Discover now