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the phone fell out of my hands at least twice before i could actually dial jungkook's number. with every bang on the door my heart starts beating even faster and the shaking gets worse.

"tae? is everything alright?" jungkook sounds worried sick.

"no, it's not!" i reply, almost crying.

"what happened?"

another bang on the door.

"what was that, tae?" he almost shouts.

"i don't... somebody's trying to break in!" i reply, bursting into tears.

"no, no, taehyung, don't cry, it's gonna be alright, you hear me? who's breaking in? taehyung, tell me!"

"i don't know, it's... it must be the co-cops, i... i he-heard the sirens!" i stammer between the sobs. "why did you ha-have to leave me here?!"

"i'm so sorry taehyung, but you shouldn't cry, you hear me? calm down, baby, just breathe! in, out!"

i try to follow his instructions, but another loud bang comes from the corridor and i hear the door crack, which makes me gasp with fear.

"jungkook, i think they b-b-broke it! what d-do i do?!"

"oh shit! taehyung, don't hang up okay? block the screen and don't hang up!"

"o-okay!" i stammer and do as he says.

"yoongi, can we track him from here?" i hear him talk to someone. "can we see where they are taking him?"

somebody answers a 'yes' i can barely hear.

"jungkook!" i sob. "talk to me, i'm s-scared!"

why am i so pathetic? i hate myself.

"don't be, okay? i'm coming! i'm on my way to where you are!" it sounds like he himself is gonna cry. i hear the roar of traffic and realise jungkook must have run out of wherever he was. "they have no reason to touch you, you did nothing! just breathe, taehyung, in and out, repeat after me!"

he starts his car. i inhale deeply and exhale, trying to calm down. the front door is almost broken.

"jungkook," i whisper now that i can breathe normally, "what do i do, i can't stand up? what if they shoot, i-"

"shh, baby, they won't, you're a citizen, you're not a criminal!"

the third time he called me baby.

i hear an even louder bang as the door falls to the floor.

"jungkook, they're in." gosh, i even sound weak.

"it's okay, just don't hang up!" he shouts. "don't hang up!"

i nod, though he can't even see me, and put the phone in my pocket. i can already hear loud footsteps approaching me. i close my eyes and breathe.

"hands where i can see them!" comes a shout soon after. i hold up my shaking hands, my eyes still closed, and let out a frightened gasp again.

"please, don't do anything bad to me," i whisper. can they even hear me?

"who are you and what are you doing here?" the question comes. the person asking it sounds a bit confused.

"you're not jeon jungkook," another voice says.

i'm obviously not.

"no, i'm taehyung. kim taehyung. please, i didn't do anything, i-"

"then what are you doing in jungkook's flat? did he take you here?"

"did he do this to you?" i like this voice better. it's softer and sounds a bit scared, like mine.

i finally open my eyes to see who's talking. the last voice seems to belong to a short dark-haired guy who looks like he's the same age as me.

"no, he didn't! he saved me!"

the other cop huffs. he's taller and quite a lot older.

"he saved you? do you know what that sounds like? that sounds like you're his friend, meaning his crime partner."

no, no, i didn't mean it to go that way!

"no, i'm not... i never... please believe me, i'm innocent! can't you see how i'm shaking?" i hold out a hand but he quickly points a gun at me and i close my eyes again. my heart hits the inside of my chest painfully. "please, don't do that, i'm afraid of guns!" i whisper. i feel so weak and vulnerable.

"you know that's not funny right?" the older cop says. "cut the crap, i know you're just acting!"

what? why the fuck would i be acting?

"i don't think he's acting, minho-hyung." yes, please, save me! "look at his hands."

"i think i know better, jimin, so let me handle this." no, jimin, please go on! "open your eyes immediately, taehyung, and stop lying. it will do you no good."

"but i'm not... i'm not lying!" i whisper, as tears start rolling down my cheeks. i open my eyes only to see a blurry picture of a man in blue uniform.

"stand up, hands in the air!"

"i can't stand! my seizure's too bad and-"

"i said cut the crap!" he yells, making me flinch. my hands fall to my sides because of how weak they got.

"minho-hyung, do you think he would be sitting here if he could walk?"

"jimin, please, shut up. i'm not in a good mood today, so i want to finish this quickly."


"if you wanna be any help, go get him up!"

jimin nods and comes over to me. i stare up at him with teary eyes.

"please!" i mutter, but he only shakes his head. he takes both of my hands to pull me up and lets go immediately after.

"minho-hyung, his hands-"

"what about his fucking hands, jimin?"

"they're cold like a goner's." quite a good comparison. i like jimin more and more.

"so what? if he was cold-blooded i wouldn't care less. get him up and let's go already!"

jimin nods again and pulls me up, eyeing me sympathetically. when he tries to let go, i squeeze his hands. "please, i'm gonna fall down."

"you have to walk, taehyung." he yanks his hands away reluctantly, but i grab him by the shoulders before i lose my balance.

"please, help."

"okay, i can carry you if you want," he offers, throwing a worried glance at his annoyed hyung.

"just get on with it, i don't care if you carry him or drag him by his hair!"
wow, that was rude. my newly done perfect hair.

jimin turns his back to me and i put my arms around him as he helps me onto his back. he's shorter than me but stronger.

minho checks the room for the last time before turning and rushing towards the door. jimin follows right behind him with me on his back.

outside they get me into the police car and drive off, sirens blaring. we drive quite quickly through the busy streets, but every turn we make makes my heart beat faster. we're getting far from jungkook's home. what if he cannot find me? what if they put me behind bars? what if, what if, what if... i shake my head and throw these thoughts out of my mind, but my breathing doesn't get steadier.

fuck, it's just like the last time. i think i'm dying.

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