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Credit to whitewolf49 for drawing.

Eteru is an oriental dragon of the magic element. His frills are rainbow iridescent and his scales are of a He starlight sky. It was originally darker blue but then it would blot out the stars. He is intimidating in dragon terms, but inside he is a softie and shy and would go to the reaches of the universe to get even for its friends.

Sassy Third Person

Under the star filled sky, a dragon hatchling explores his new surroundings. But this dragon was like no others. That is why it just got kidnapped when you were reading that sentence (Really?). You let your eye take off that cute hatchling for one second and this what happens. MOVING ON. You may be wondering why this is happening. This may be the 37th attempt that someone tries to steal that dragon. Well your answer is that dragon, right there with the puppy eyes, is no regular dragon. He is a dragon with a very special, to town overpowered, element. The AETHER element. Yep you heard me right folks. That little bundle of joy is a living, bumbling demi-god. Evidence, you may ask? Take a gander.

As the rookie kidnapper runs away with the dragon, it spits out ice (unintentionally I believe) at the guy's back and legs, falling face first to the ground and letting go of the dragon (laughs violently from fail). The dragon then walks away like nothing ever happens, stumbling a little, leaving the would-be thief partly frozen. *Claps* See folks, don't mess with that little dragon or he will mess your day up.

Time skip 6 years (Yep folks we are doing these things)

Things are going great for the little feller. Amazing view of the sun, food and a some treasure from exploring, trail of harmony and destruction (*Car Screeches* Wait what?!). NO NO NO NO, it's not what you think. I know it looks bad but what do you think what happens when a little critter has god powers. He will have a severe lack of control over his powers. He loves to help everybody, even though if it fails fantastically. Kind of reminds me of that orange fuzzy creature with the green magical hat riding that sassy blue space horse (wink wink). The dragon, whose name is Eteru if you didn't read the summary, goes town to town helping others, either the good guys or bad guys, either on purpose or straight up accident. Enough about that. He gets approached by a small figure, who you should recognize. The midget figure closed in on him.

Figure: "Hello there dragon,"

Eteru: "Who in the dickens are you?"

Figure: "I'm..." The midget gets interrupted.

Eteru: "Wait wait wait," Looks at him, laughing, "Look at you, you're so small it's a miracle you can walk! Is that paint? Probably there because you're a baby and love to make a mess!" Laughs violently while he frowns at Eteru.

Eteru: "Sorry sorry," stifles a laugh, biting his lip, "That face OH HA HA HAAAA. Oh I surrender, I surrender!" Eteru, gets up, snickering a little, "Sorry what were you about to say?"

Figure: "My name is Kaos. I came here to give you an offering."

Eteru: "Okay?" He didn't want to be rude but it wasn't the first time this happened.

Kaos: "How would you like to join me and conquer the world, I have cookies and cake."

Great, like he needed another villain trying to turn him to their side. The last time a guy asked him that got a fire blast to the face, or more specifically fire inferno.

Eteru: "Sorry but I will never be a villain even if the world depends on it, or in this case doesn't."

Kaos: "Well if you're not coming willfully, I'll just use force,"

He then engulfs both his hands in flames and tosses them to to Eteru. Eteru moves up his hand to unleash an ice blast, but instead he is shocked when holding out his paw appears a shield of some sorts that is in the movement of a vortex and has caught the fire projectiles. He brings back his paw, the shield disappearing that launches the fireballs back to Kaos.

 He brings back his paw, the shield disappearing that launches the fireballs back to Kaos

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Sorry I couldn't find other pictures of a vortex shield. Credit from Titanfall 2

Kaos (dodging): "HEY, that's not fair."

Eteru (staring at his paw): " I-I didn't mean to, this is new to me."

Kaos, taking the opportunity to jump on him and constantly punch him. But then, Eteru disappears.

Eteru (opening his eyes): Wh-Where am I?"

Eteru doesn't know but the place he is, or phase shifted, is the same except everything is blurry and black and white with grey paper like things floating. He can see the frozen, spiraling silhouette of Kaos on where he is. He goes to try to touch the silhouette, but then a bright flash appears and he is transported back to reality where everything was before he 'phase shifted'. Kaos looks behind him and gets the scare of a lifetime. He faints on the ground. Eteru then proceeds to back away.

Eteru is an OC of mine, actually one of my first ones. whitewolf49 drew a picture for me after I read Sun Dragon. Another one of my OCs (actually my brother's) will appear soon. I hope you guys enjoyed this as it is my first book. Share me your requests, as I will put them in one way or another. Also input them to whitewolf49 as she is an phenomenal drawer.

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