The Duel of at the Heights of the World

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Eteru POV

What happened here? And to think I was not gone that long. I slowly walk through the hallways asking myself who would do this? I then hear a scream come from my left side, then a crashing sound. I arrive to see Destroylate, with two large holes through his armor and covered in debris.

Destroylate: Dragon... come.

I approach him, trying to see if the threat is gone.

Destroylate: I am finally defeated, my final request (pushes his sword to me) is to avenge me. Shade Bane has gone through multiple skilled swordsmen until I inherited him. Now it's yours. Please... avenge us!

He then breathes shallowly before he stops completely. And what did he mean by us? I try to get to the upper floors, but then the security bots activate.

Shade Bane: Let's do this new master!

A talking sword?! You don't see those every day.

Shade Bane: Stay in the defensive so you can analyze a strategy to defeat them.

I'm liking this sword even more as I block the incoming blasts it covers itself with a deep blue flame to dissipate the blasts.

Phobia POV

Lassea: Destroylate is down! Don't lose hope!

Great, another one down. We already lost too many people to Samael. If he didn't have regenerative abilities I would've done the coup de grace. But noooooo, some dingus parents gave him those powers and that inspiration for "judgement". Well joke's on him as I took most of his luxgladius collection. Oh duh doy, I forgot about them. I use a double bladed spear just like mines and slice his arm off.

Phobia: How do you like it now?

Samael: (Limb growing back) Honestly, I'm disappointed.

One of them laughs, so I shoot him a nasty look. That shut him up, nobody makes fun of me and gets away with it. I charge at him, only to get slammed across the room. Great job.


Eteru POV

Each robot was destroyed, and it was surprisingly easy.

Shade Bane: Great job new master! My old masters preferred to use brute strength instead of agility and strategy.

Eteru: Thanks for the compliment, but it's not over yet. Who are we fighting against?

Shade Bane: It's Captain Samael, he has very tough scales and has more effective regenerative abilities. Not to mention those quills in his back and very razor sharp claws. Don't even mention his horns, that's what killed my previous master.

Eteru: Then I'm gonna have to knock him out or at least tire him out.

Shade Bane: Brilliant tactics!

We head to an elevator, with some jazzy music. Once we exit there was so many claw marks, pointing to what I think it is the helm. Then there was a person thrown through a wall. Yep there he is. I enter to see a blood-splattered aqua dog with a green-bladed katana. That blade is a legendary sword from the planet Earth created by technology that is not even supposed to exist here, making it worth more money than Count Moneybones has. She gets sliced in the shoulder and the katana knocked off her hand.

Aqua Dog: You don't have to do this. I know there is at least some good in you left. Please... just don't.

Samael: Tell me why Lassea, why I would forgive someone as traitorous and deceitful as you!

He would have killed her if I not gotten between them and parried that slice.

Samael: You again, I should've known.

Eteru: Just give up, I don't want to fight...

He kicks me and grabs hold of Shade Bane.

Shade Bane: Master!

Samael: A talking Dark sword, this should go to the Gallery located next to your heads! Eteru, you have so much potential, why can't you use it for my cause?

Eteru: Because your plan is actually just to conquer the world.

Samael: Clever boy. Just like your mother. Her name I think it was... Carina.

Before I gather my thoughts, he lunges at me and almost cuts off my arm. I kick him in the back before I realized there was located his sharp quills. At least I touched him and absorbed his powers. But I don't know how to activate them.

Samael: Foolish young one. I survived worse than this. Do you really think you can defeat me?

I grab the katana and parry each of his attacks until he slices a part of my leg and kicks me to a wall.

Phobia POV

I regain consciousness to see that Eteru, a dragon who can possess any power, is getting his butt handed to him. I see my legs is stuck to the ground by four corpses. How did he- never mind that now. I remember that I have the amulet, but then Eteru would have a short amount of time to before he turns. I'll take my chances. I reach for my bag, removing some luxgladiuses until I grab it.

Phobia: Eteru! Catch!

I throw it to him, but not that far because I'm upside down. He rushes to get it but becomes hesitant.

Phobia: Put it on already!

Eteru: (Blocking some attacks) But what happens if I-.


That startled him a little bit, but was effective as he put it on. As Samael started to charge for him, Eteru punched him, not knowing his entire hand was engulfed in a black flame when he punched him.

Eteru: Nice!

He then started to fight Samael with ease. It was like he knew what his next move was.

Samael: Sword! Give me strategies to fight him.

Shade Bane: Why should I, that's my new master. I shall only speak once you defeat him.

Eteru then starts to get the upper hand, slicing the parts of him that are not fully regenerated yet. He kicks his face, sending him stumbling.

Eteru: Just surrender, I'm more superior than you. You are defeated!

Samael: Oh am I?

He then pulls out his arm to reveal Lassea in his grip, being choked. That dirty cheater. No that deserves a better insult.

Samael: Put down your weapon and slide it over to me.

Lassea: No...

Eteru, looking frightened for the first time, dropped the katana and slid it to Samael. He dropped down to all fours. Holding something inside for the sake of Lassea.

Samael: We are approaching the undead regions of Skylands. Nearby are multiple vampire towns. You're job is to assume control. Use force against them. If you fail, she dies. If you leave, she dies, if you try to mutiny, she dies. Now g-UNGH

Lassea grabbed the opportunity to slice his stomach with the katana, generally his weakest spot and slowest to regenerate. Of course , Samael didn't like that, because then he proceeded to grab her by the head, one his claws in her eyes, and throw her out through a window. She almost falls off the ship, but she's not moving. That made Eteru snap.

Eteru: NOOOOO!

He creates a giant, dark-flamed hand to crush him and throw him almost overboard. His entire being changes, his star-lit sky scales become engulfed in black, his claws and teeth more sharper, his frills just black and white, he becomes as big as Samael, and his eyes engulfed in white flames. Eteru's gone. He picks up the dark-bladed luxgladius, turning its solar heat to a blade frozen cold as the far reaches of space. He flame grabs Samael and slams him down. He then grabs one of the main electrical generators and breaks it on him. The ship starts to tilt awkwardly and started to lose altitude. Oh boy.

Credit to Foximator for Shade Bane

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