A New World

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Eteru POV

I feel groggy. That portal must've sucked out all my power. At least it got rid of the armor. Freedom at last! My vision clears up, revealing that I am in a tent of some sort with aesthetic-looking medicine next to me. I hear something outside. I put my ear next to a little hole in the fabric.

???: So what do you think on how he came here?

???: He probably used his Astral Form, but it's just a gander.

Astral Form? I've never heard of that before.

???: He must have it's been years since someone came.

???: Get over yourself. The last visitors came only a month ago.

???: Don't remind me of those twins Sont. I hated that younger one more, always making mischief. The other one was more creepier with her ice-cold stare.

???: But they came here with their powers, yet that dragon's entrance was...

My stomach rumbles at the worst possible time.

???: I think he's awake.

Blast. They come in with large white cloaks. I thought the bleach color would burn away my eyes. They remove their hoods revealing that they're... humans!

???: Good day dragon, it is nice of you to join us in the world of Azeroth. I am Azria, son of Azur, the leader of Azeroth. This is my advisor Sont and and the head professor Lapos. What brings you to our humble world.

Eteru: I came here to escape from my captors in Skylands.

Sont: That explains the armor.

Eteru: And also it said that I can find some answers for my powers.

Lapos: What are they respectably?

Eteru: While they're complicated, others I can't even understand. I don't even know that absorbing powers is a power.

That freezes Lapos. Does he know of my powers?

Lapos: I'm gonna go research this. Meanwhile show him around.

Azria: I have to go to a meeting with another city. Sont please do as Lapos instructs you. I gotta go.

Sont shows me around this breathtaking world. There are like no predators whatsoever. This world is the definition of peace. I see an old lady feeding some doves near a lake. I approach the old lady, doing the old hi-how-are-you.

Eteru: Hello there.

Old Lady: Oh hi, I didn't see you there. What is your name?

Eteru: My name's Eteru.

Old Lady: (Chuckles) You are quite the strange one. Reminds me of those two girls who came here. Is something troubling you?

Can she read my mind?

Eteru: Well... yes there is. (Sigh) There are these people in Skylands that are hunting me down and I barely escaped them. Not to mention my blood brother dying.

Old Lady: Hmm, you are quite in a pickle, let me give you some advice. If you find yourself in a bad place, just simply smile. The darkest of days can be lifted with the sunniest of smiles. If a loved one is gone, they are not truly gone. As long as we keep them in our memory, if we forget them, then they are truly gone.

Is she psychic? She is listing all my problems I had.

Old Lady: Always show mercy to others, as they would repay it back. And... nonviolence doesn't always work — but violence never does.

I feel something from the old lady. Sadness and concern. But of what? We say our farewells and go our separate ways. I go near a tree cluster where bitter but sweet fruit grow from the leaves. I was gonna get one when another human approached me.

Man: Forgive my intrusion, but I know why she is saddened of something. You see, she once had a daughter, one coming of age, but there was a raid on our city and she was... you know what happens next. She goes to feed animals, like the doves you see here, to take her mind of her daughter. She tries to help others to take her mind off the tragedy. Goodbye now dragon.

The man walks away. The old lady is like me, we both lost someone we truly loved and we try to help each other out. I arrive at the city, which looks like towers of crystals. I arrive to the leader's building where Azria, Sont, and Lapos were discussing something.

Eteru: Hello there, I've come to tell you all about my powers so you can help me.


Lassea POV

Oh God, what am I going to tell him? If I miss a detail, he would accuse me probably and who knows what he'll do to me. Captain Samael is not one to disappoint, especially if all your life's work is thrown out the window. Or in this case portal. For all I know, he killed multiple second-in-commands when he didn't get what he wanted. Deep breaths, he won't lash out your throat or throw you overboard with metal chains constricting you. He he he, oh it's hopeless. That guy is practically a psychic. He somehow finishes my sentences and knows what I'm gonna do. It's either that or I'm just so predictable. I was gonna knock, but then he said enter. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. No, you've got this. I enter, trying to say everything in my mind about what happened, but I choked. I choked. Great job you idiot.

Samael: What is it?

Oh god is he looking out the top-to-bottom window that oversees everything in a dramatic evil way? Yes he is.

Lassea: Sir there's something concerning about Eteru. I...

Samael: I know.


Lassea: What do you mean you know?

Samael: I know that everything is prepared for my judgement, my little pumpkin.

Pumpkin? OH NO! He's flirting with me! That means the bad news will mean double punishment, if not triple. He approaches me, with that scaly tail in the air and that that reptilian face is trying so hard to look charming. Every atom in my body is saying to slap that guy or say "f#%$ off lover boy", but I just can't. He just gets all up my face, his breath making me sweat. God, apparently the only woman who loved him is his mother.

Lassea: SIR! EteruhassomehowescapedthroughaportalIdontknowhoworwhybuthe'sgone!

Ten points to whoever translates my gibberish. Apparently that was the most effective repellent against him because he stepped away. But then he just let loose. Destroying everything, even that mug I got him in gift exchange. 2 gold pieces wasted, and it had the saying "Don't talk to me until I had my coffee". I shuffle away until he let a blood-curdling scream.

Samael: LASSEA!

I stop dead in my tracks, slowly turning my head.

Lassea: Ye-Yes?

Apparently, he just wanted to grab my throat and just slam me to the wall. His claws digging through my skin.

Samael: You shall use everything in your power to find him, or I'll finally have that aquatic fur rug I wanted.

He then throws me out a window. I get up and just limp to the briefing room with an arm clutched to my side and bleeding all over with some bits of glass on me. Hooray Lassea, you are the first to survive Samael's wrath. The only problem now is how to stop Samael once and for all.

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