Sweet Child of Mine

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Carina POV

We held a funeral for Lagoon at the Sagittarius constellation since it was near the nebula he was born. Eagle was given the honor to turn his body to a star that will stay lit forever, but first we had to make one final farewell. Orion was first, then Veil, then Horsehead. It kept on going until it was my turn, fifth to last. I couldn't stay quiet. Even though he threatened to tell, he was always there for us, for me especially. I tell my little speech, the most heartwarming of all it that it even made Omega shed a tear. I know it is all sad and all but that guy has literally no emotions, in a metaphorical sense. Every atom in my body wanted to tell the truth, say everything, and lift this guilt from me. But it was all for Eteru and I will give up my own life and even the universe for him to stay safe and happy. I know that he is out there somewhere and I only have small amount of time to find him. As we payed our respects, Eagle payed his hands on Lagoon's body and converted all his mass to an O-class star. It was probably the biggest, hottest, and most bluest one ever. Lagoon always loved the color blue in anything. It is kind of ironic that his star is his favorite color. After that we dispersed, the star burning forever but the memory of Lagoon fading away. I was leaving once everyone else left when a claw grabbed my shoulder. I turned around to see Helix, the quiet one who can't and won't speak for I don't know why.

Helix: I know what you did... and i feel you.

I was shocked and confused.

Helix: You think I don't know of Eteru and the answer on why Lagoon was killed. (Sighs) You and I are kindred spirits. You and I both broken the rules of the Worldenders. You and I both ignored orders. You and I both had children. But me and mines alone was met with cruel fate. Omega and Trifid found out, and they did not take it well. I let them go, and... they obliterated the planet and threw my child to a black hole for since he was not even full dragon for the training. I watched the horrors unfold. Trifid restrained me and made me look as Omega carried out the deeds. They made me not to speak another word or they would... I would not like to talk about it. I trusted them for it all to punch me in the face. But you... you had the instincts to not trust him enough to murder him. Oh I wish I could go back and do it all over again. I'll help you in your search for Eteru. I will not let another one meet the same fate as I.

I was speechless, mouth agape from the blast of knowledge. HE had a child. For once someone is on my side.

Carina: Thanks for your will to help me but now we're in a race against time. Eteru is somewhere out here that made Lagoon sense him. We just gotta work backwards and search there.

Helix: Odd's are that old nature lady Mitera knows him. (Gasp) Someone's coming. I'll go and stall while you search for him. After that I will search as well. Oh and good luck.

I fly out to the galaxy where Lagoon was killed. Now it's just a process of elimination for hundreds of planets. This is gonna take some time.

Eteru POV

I wake up to see my leg chained to an odd shaped tree that was starting to show shades of purple. Then a figure starts to approach me. She had very pale skin, whiter than teeth, and darken once near her eyes. She has very dark hair that fades to violet in the bottom that is braided and tied like a butterfly in the back of her head, but due to gravity it droops down. She has red mascara and blue lips and her eyes were a menacing yellow. She had what appeared like very small red horns at the top of her forehead where her hair connect. She had a very slim but sturdy physique and had black knee-high boots, black leggings, thin chest-low shirt with one of the sleeves torn off and a knee-tall poncho that covered her left arm and my luxgladius partially. I had to assume that is Sirin Usaqim. She throws to me what looks like meat.

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