A New Acquaintance and Friend

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Eteru POV

I haven't slept well after that. I had cricks all over my neck and back and it hurt a lot when I tried to stretch my body. I get up and serve me some Frosted Snowflakes cereal when I spot the interior of my dresser glowing blue through a hole. I open it to see that crystal Rosette gave me glowing. Although she did try to threaten me, she could need help. Against my better judgement I teleport to the cloudscape. Weird no one there. But I see something on the floor. It's a... blade. Weird. I pick it up and then it opens up revealing an eye in the cloth. Surprised I dropped it and then it started to levitate. It is actually a bladed tessen that when it was closed it resembled a knife.

Tessen:(Little Girl voice) Who are you dragon?

Eteru: Ummm... first of all I didn't expect you to have consciousness. Second of all my name's Eteru.

Tessen: It's weird you look familiar to someone she knew a long, long time ago.

Eteru: Who called me here? And who's she?

Tessen: Well-

The tessen gets interrupted and flies to the sky, then eleven more of those similar tessens pop out from the ground and to the first tessen in the sky. They start making strange and eerie patterns until they form a perfect circle, which a silhouette appears and starts to take form. Then a bright pulse emits from the silhouette. Then it reveals to be a canine like being with an outfit similar to a warrior geisha from Earth. She has a lot of fluffy fur on her head as she has it tied with six platinum rods keeping it together. Her outfit seems too long for her on the sleeves and it reaches her feet the bottom of the dress, and the silk is very lustrous and smooth. The patterns of it include lotus flowers, pink blossom trees, and the such. But on the top back of her dress contains symbols of the Art of War. She has the traditional makeup on her face and snout, despite the fur.


I was immediately shocked by this. She flies down to me.

???: So someone actually responded to my call. And you're quite a fine specimen to call me. I'd never thought that a Worldender would respond to me. Here have a conscious mutilated arm as a token of my goodwill.

She forms exactly that and the arm starts to walk on it's fingers and grab my leg. *Shudder* That is creepy. Then the geisha canine snaps her fingers and disintegrates the arm.

???: (Laughing) It's funny when someone gets traumatized.

Eteru: W-Who are you? And why were calling for someone?

???: Reba at your service. I call for someone because I can let others appeal to me and make their wildest wishes come true. You can have a wish too, I only ask for a small (Dark and distorted voice) FAVOR (Normal voice) in return.

Eteru: Where's Rosette?

I can't believe I said that but still, if a person is nowhere to be found and another has taken its place, it's usually not good.

Reba: She is talking to some... friends? Acquaintances? Just some others like her. Now would you like to make a deal?

She is starting to get too close for comfort.

Reba: Imagine dragon (Pun Unintended here), all the power you can wield, the hoard a true dragon would like, the love of your life coming true, immortality, invincibility, (gasp) or someone to resurrect?

Eteru: Wh-What?

Reba: You lost your father a long time ago. You killed an incarnation of life. You made an entire species extinct in less than a second. And don't forget all those lost lives on board the Lion's Pride. And who can forget all that life you extinguished at that planet when you killed Mitera. Oh you are a powerful one. I like them powerful. You remind me of another a long time ago when... he was still here, when he was still blind. Now which one would you resurrect?

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