White Fox, Black Wolf

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Bazookanine POV

The sky, limitless in all its glory. I always felt welcome cruising through and piercing clouds. Everything below always looks like a toy set from a child. It's been a few years since I flew because I had to scavenge a lot of parts for my mech and I'm not exactly swimming in gems. My leg feels better after crashing into that sky island, yet my left eye is still a bit colorblind. After I crashed, the Mabu around actually nursed me back to health and called me a hero, despite me actually causing some of the damage in the first place, but do I have anywhere else to go? Not back home, too many bad vibes there. A few months later, I was able to walk again, but I still needed a cane. Using that cane made me feel old, but at least it was more maneuverable than a crutch. At that time, I never knew I would get a visitor who didn't want to kill me immediately. One I never knew who decided to stop caring for the ones he wanted to help.

(Years Ago)

Such a sunny day as the light pierced through the shades of the window and hit directly to Bazookanine's snout. He wanted to sleep in, but did the world give him a choice?


Bazookanine got up and got dressed in just his armor's black jumpsuit. After the crash, his armor had to be repaired, but he is broke so it just sits there collecting dust, and hiding a figure. Bazookanine felt a disturbance and threw a knife towards a closet door, barely missing the figure.

Bazookanine (Readying another knife): That was a warning... show yourself!

???: What? Can't a guy just greet his youngest brother?

The figure approached the young fox, the latter whose face quickly jumped from menacing, to "really?". The figure was wolf with black fur, a blue coat with a white tank top underneath it, and ripped black jeans. The only things that changed from the last time Bazookanine saw Kota was the patchwork face alongside his terrible fashion sense.

Kota: Ain't you an angry little fox? Jumps at the slightest noise and throws knifes at their brother.

Bazookanine: You may call it paranoia, I call it being an ex-bounty hunter.

Kota: Would the little ex-bounty hunter like some ramen?

Bazookanine (Scoffs): You may have changed, but I doubt your wallet did last time we saw each other.

As on cue, Kota pulls out multiple tiny gems out of his digits. He creates a fist with the gems inside and opens it up to reveal a palm-sized gem!

Bazookanine: So you learned a bit of sleight-of-hand, why does it matter?

Kota (Impersonating Bazookanine's voice): So the great Kota is loaded, do I want free ramen?

Bazookanine (Rolls eyes): Lets just get this over with. You'd better pay for all the extra ingredients.

Kota: Of course I would pay for my little brother's overpriced ramen, why wouldn't I-

The door opened and out stepped a Mabu. Kota rushes towards her like a rabid monster, who in turn ran back outside, screaming "monster!".

Kota (Laughing): That never gets old. Okay let's go.

Bazookanine rolled his eyes as he grabbed his cane and joined his brother outside. The ramen stand was just a short walk away, not short enough for Kota to not notice Bazookanine's cane and not completely burst out laughing. When they arrived, Kota ordered an extremely spicy ramen with two eggs and seaweed pieces, whereas Bazookanine ordered the summer special, which was cold ramen with fruit slices served in the inside of a melon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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