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Eteru POV

I pulled the spear out of the rocky ground, confused why it's here. As I look around it, the blade tips ignite to their flaming colors. The sight is breathtaking, with the sliver base glowing slightly with a red light on where I'm holding it, feeling ice cold to the touch. How is this possible, it was a dream, was it? I then feel a burning sensation on my shoulder. I look at it and realize it's the same as when the woman sliced me. Even a part of my frills are missing. I look around the cave if she is there. Alas, nothing except for my belongings. I fly out to refresh myself. But then I see citizens fleeing from a bank. I went to investigate to see a skeletal crocodile with purple rock hair and purple fur in his wrists and ankles grabbing two bags with so much gold I think his bones would break. I intervene and land right in front of him.

Eteru: Alright, just put the gold back to where it belongs and I'll let you go.

Crocodile: That's a pretty spear, may I have it.

I forgot I brought whatever her name was' spear. He looks hypnotized at it. I stammer a little before he decides to try to pry it off my claws. I kick him off, hurting me more since he's made of bones. I use a combat position with the spear and then the tips ignite. That only made him want it more.

Crocodile: Now I want that even more. You do have good taste in weaponry. Join me, and we'll split the money it 90/10.

Oh brother another attempt to turn me to their side. I point my spear at the crocodile, which made him grab it, even when it was hot. Great job Eteru.

Eteru: Let go!

Crocodile: Crocovile always get what he wants.

Apparently I spun so fast it made Crocovile to fly off, with some of his arm still grabbing my spear. Like today couldn't get any creepier. I toss the arm at the general direction of Crocovile, which he then left. But I saw him take some gold pieces. He can keep them.

I fly off, thanking that's over and I can keep that spear. Although, that was a little weird on how he saw the value in this spear. Just because the base is made of silver and the tips are made of rare Aturnium does not make him have the right to take that. Wait, how did I know that? I was flying casually until I saw the Graveyard. I try to take my mind off it, but I fly down towards it. I never thought I would return here. I see each rock statue, frozen with their eyes showing each of their feelings: fear. Many statues have plants growing on them. I then see the statue I thought I would never see again. A ginormous oriental dragon with the most grand of horns with one chopped off and a face that would always reassure you. The position was of one dead. Father.

8 Years Ago

I was playing around at the lake below the waterfall with lily pads over my head. Life was easier back then. But the reason why I played there was to forget about the argument I overheard from my parents and Mother going to get something. It was a week until I figured out that she left us. I never knew what was the reason that made her leave. Father looked very glum and would just wallow. Those reassuring eyes turned to dolorous ones. I wanted to make him feel better. I left and went to the crystal mines which was one hour away. It took me a long time to pick out which crystal until I found a crystal which shined blue to purple. I returned to my home until I found the most disturbing image a child can see. Father was on the ground, splattered with blood, not moving an inch. He was surrounded by Rorkans, green and gray troll-like creatures that loved the hunt. I never knew they would go after a dragon this size. His hide turned from a brilliant red to a crimson slathered body. The chief cut off one of its horns to use as a trophy. The rest decided to also, cutting of a claw or piece of the hide or frills. Something snapped inside me. I felt something boil inside of me, something I would never want to feel again. I shouldn't have listened to that voice in my head because the next thing I knew I got to the sky, releasing all my power in one bright plasma ball with colors of all elements swirling around it. It hit where every Rorkan was, turning them to stone, with absolute fear in their faces. I even turned Father's lifeless body to stone. I stayed with the statue, mourning, for weeks. I then felt hunger overpower me and I went to get food. I got some fruit until I overheard a radio. It said that every Rorkan in the Skylands was turned to stone. They used a spell to turn some Rorkan back to normal, only to find out that they are already dead. I wiped out a species. That broke my heart. I wiped out a species off the face of the world. I vowed to never let my anger get the best of me.


I stumble to the crystal that I brought for Father. Even though covered with plants, the glow never ceased. This crystal is Azolos, a very rare crystal that shined when a magic elemental was nearby, but it turns black when an undead or dark elemental is near. How did I know that? But then, it just turned pitch black. Then it hit me. I look around until I get blasted by red lightning. I quickly get up and see him.

???: Thousands have fallen cursing my name.

This guy is not like the others I have faced. This guy is the definition of scary and intimidating. He has armor like it's nobody's business.

???: Now you too shall scream my name.

The crocodile Crocovile is an OC from whitewolf49.

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